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Created August 1, 2016 21:04
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.api import env
import time
import re
# env.hosts = ['', '', '', '']
env.hosts = ['', '', '', '', '']
env.user = 'datastax'
env.password = 'datastax'
seed = ''
def clean_dse():
# run("ps aux | grep cassandra")
sudo("service dse stop")
sudo("rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/*/*")
#run("ls -la")
def boot_dse():
sudo("service dse start")
def update_seed():
sudo("sed --follow-symlinks -i 's# - seeds: .*# - seeds: \"" + seed + "\"#g' /etc/dse/cassandra/cassandra.yaml")
def tail_log():
sudo("tail -100 /var/log/cassandra/system.log")
def is_launched():
output = run("nodetool status")
if ('', output) > -1):
print "this node is down"
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