There is an epic bugzilla for this task:
Bug 486065 / ERT-48 Support Chromium based browser debugging.
Basically, this^ issue can be devided into two major parts:
Debugger (Everyting that is connected with Web Inspector Protocol support / parsers / source mapping etc.)
Using Chrome / Chromium browser As Runtime - Bug 497765
The idea is to have smth. similar that has been already implemented for Node.js Debugger:
Add Chromium / Chrome Runtime similar to Node.js Runtime:
Add launch shortcut (smth. like Debug Front-End) enabled on html files (file protocol) and Server Adapters (http / https)
Launch configuration should run Chrome / Chromium Runtime with
(start page parameter) + launch WIP debugger for connecting to debug port
how to detect start url if server was launched without using server adapters (Node.js app / gulp / grunt)
JSDT Debugger slides by Denis Golovin - contains information about both
(V8) andfront-end
(WIP) debuggers