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Last active November 19, 2024 18:18
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Install the Ivona / SAPI Text To Speech solution
# set the arch [IM]
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
# add the repos [IM]
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:wine/wine-builds
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethanak/milena
# update the deps [IM]
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade
# install main dependencies [IM]
sudo apt-get install -y --install-recommends winehq-devel
sudo apt-get install -y sapi4linux python-pyspda python-sapilektor libsapilektor-utils
# download the voices [IM]
# wget
# wget
# wget
# confirm wine prompts [IM]
bash /usr/lib/sapi4linux/
# replace "wine=.winesapi" with "wine=wine" without quotes [IM]
sudo nano /usr/lib/sapi4linux/
bash /usr/lib/sapi4linux/
tar -zxvf /home/ubuntu/ivona-ricardo.tar.gz
# install the voice unchecking the SAPI voice [IM]
wine /home/ubuntu/ivona/Ivona_Voice_1.6_Ricardo_22kHz.exe
# the dll that allows us to use it [IM]
# cp /home/ubuntu/ivona/crack_dll/ivona_sapi5_voice_v1.6.63.dll
# restart the server [IM]
bash ~/bin/sapi_server.shc
# list voices [IM]
sapiconfig -n
# save configs [IM]
sapiconfig -s
# do the trick [IM]
sapitest -v Ricardo "Instalação concluída"
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Does this still work?

Honestly, I have no idea...

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