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Last active July 14, 2016 11:16
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  • Value, object.
  • Data constructor, a box or a ghost box.
  • Type constructor, a set of boxes.
  • Type classes, classes of people who have a certain set of skills.

Clarification of ghost boxes:
They look like boxes, but actually you can directly touch the object inside them.
That is, the box is an illusion.


Example set of boxes MAYBE:

  • box Just
  • box Nothing


Each class of people is trained to handle a box in a certain way.
Let's take a look at the people class FUNCTORS, skill set:

  • skill fmap, description: execute an action on a box

For example, when a functor performs an fmap on a Just box,
he first opens the box, then executes the action on the item in the box,
then takes a new box of the same type and puts the item in the new box.

And when he performs an fmap on a Nothing box,
he just takes a new Nothing box, nothing more.


Let's look at another class of people, called MONADS,
these people have been mentored by the functors,
so they possess the same basic skillset:

  • skill >>=, description: take a box and a box-producing machine,
    and do something with those things

When a monad receives a Just box, he knows that he first has to open the box,
get the item out of it and then put it in the machine.

Like the functor, when a monad receives a Nothing box,
he just takes a new Nothing box.

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