Change lines 386-390 in /opt/bamt/gpumon from
if (${$conf}{'settings'}{'scrypt-adaptive-N'}) { system("screen -r vertminer"); } else { system("screen -r cgminer"); }
system("screen -r ${$conf}{'settings'}{'executable-name'}");
This will allow you to easily change the name of the screen.
Change lines 1459 in /opt/bamt/common.pl from
$cmd = ''
$cmd = ${$conf}{'settings'}{'command'};
Delete lines 1462-1468. This will allow you to easily change the start command.
Now in your /etc/bamt/bamt.conf simply specify lines like the following
command: /usr/bin/screen -d -m -S sgminer /opt/miners/sgminer/sgminer --api-listen --config /etc/bamt/sgminer.conf executable-name: sgminer
to change your miner in use easily. Compile many different versions in /opt/miners and compare/contrast quickly
To add the latest SGMiner for example, do as follows:
sudo apt-get install autoconf opencl-headers libcurl4-openssl-dev libtool libncurses5-dev
cd /opt/miners
git clone https://github.com/veox/sgminer.git
cd sgminer
cp -R ../cgminer/ADL_SDK ./
autoreconf -ivf
CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native" ./configure
Now add a configuration to /etc/bamt/sgminer.conf
"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://stratum.simplevert.com:3344",
"user" : "VvAQomockqLj5uto6UKq7EXGAAxpkcWAio.Sapphire-R9270",
"pass" : "x"
"algorithm": "adaptive-n-factor",
"gpu-reorder": true,
"gpu-fan": "50-100",
"auto-fan": true,
"temp-cutoff": "95",
"temp-overheat": "83",
"temp-target": "79",
"xintensity": "4",
"vectors": "1",
"worksize": "256",
"lookup-gap": "2",
"thread-concurrency": "5121",
"api-listen": true,
"api-port": "4028",
"api-allow": "W:",
"gpu-dyninterval": "7",
"gpu-platform": "0",
"gpu-threads": "2",
"gpu-dyninterval": "7",
"gpu-engine": "1125",
"gpu-memclock": "1500",
"gpu-powertune": "20",
"log": "5",
"no-pool-disable": true,
"no-submit-stale": true,
"queue": "0",
"scan-time": "1",
"expiry": "1",
"scrypt": true,
"shares": "0",
"kernel-path": "/usr/local/bin"