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Created July 23, 2021 00:56
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def inference(self, sentence: List[str]) -> Tuple[List[int], List[float]]:
probabilities = np.zeros((len(self.Q), len(sentence)))
transitions = np.zeros((len(self.Q), len(sentence)))
# Forward calculation
for i, token in enumerate(sentence):
observation = 0
if token in self._reversed_V:
observation = self._reversed_V[token]
if i == 0:
for index, _ in enumerate(self.Q):
probability = self.Pi[index] * self.B[index][observation]
probabilities[index][i] = probability
transitions[index][i] = -1
for index, _ in enumerate(self.Q):
candidates = []
previous = probabilities[:, i - 1]
for previous_index, previous_probability in enumerate(previous):
probability = (
* self.A[previous_index][index]
* self.B[index][observation]
probabilities[index, i] = np.max(candidates)
transitions[index, i] = np.argmax(candidates)
# Choose best probability path
best_path = [] # type: List[int]
best_probabilities = [] # type: List[float]
for i in reversed(range(len(sentence))):
probability = np.max(probabilities[:, i])
max_index = int(np.argmax(probabilities[:, i]))
if i == len(sentence) - 1:
# Last state
if i > 0:
# Previous state
previous = int(transitions[max_index, i])
best_path = best_path[::-1] # reverse the order
best_probabilities = best_probabilities[::-1] # reverse the order
return (best_path, best_probabilities)
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