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Created December 18, 2024 19:21
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Advent of Code 2024 - Day 18
use std::collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet};
use std::hash::Hash;
use nom::{
bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::digit1, combinator::map_res, multi::separated_list1,
sequence::separated_pair, IResult,
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, ParallelIterator};
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
struct Point {
x: isize,
y: isize,
impl Point {
fn new(x: isize, y: isize) -> Self {
Point { x, y }
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
let (input, (x, y)) = separated_pair(
map_res(digit1, |s: &str| s.parse()),
map_res(digit1, |s: &str| s.parse()),
Ok((input, Point::new(x, y)))
// Find all the neighbors of the given point that satisfy the filter.
fn neighbors<F>(&self, filter: F) -> Vec<Point>
F: Fn(&Point) -> bool,
[(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]
.map(|(x, y)| Point {
x: self.x + x,
y: self.y + y,
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let input = include_str!("input.txt");
const LEN_X: isize = 71;
const LEN_Y: isize = 71;
const INITIAL_BYTES: usize = 1024;
// Parse our corrupted points.
let (_, corruptions) = separated_list1(tag("\r\n"), Point::parse)(input)?;
// Our start and end point.
let start = Point::new(0, 0);
let end = Point::new(LEN_X - 1, LEN_Y - 1);
// We are successful if we reach the end point.
let success = |p: &Point| *p == end;
// Our successors are the neighbors of the current point that are within bounds and not corrupted.
let corrupted = corruptions[..INITIAL_BYTES]
let successors = |p: &Point| {
p.neighbors(|p: &Point| {
p.x >= 0 && p.x < LEN_X && p.y >= 0 && p.y < LEN_Y && !corrupted.contains(p)
.map(|p| (p, 1))
.collect::<Vec<(Point, usize)>>()
// Our heuristic is the Manhattan distance to the end point.
let heuristic = |p: &Point| ((end.x - p.x).abs() + (end.y - p.y).abs()) as usize;
// Run A* and Dijkstra's algorithm to compare the number of visits.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
match dijkstra(&start, successors, success, heuristic) {
Some((_, steps, visited)) => {
"p1-a-star: {} (visited: {}, {:?})",
None => {
println!("p1-a-star: No path found");
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
match dijkstra(&start, successors, success, |_: &Point| 0) {
Some((_, steps, visited)) => {
"p1-a-dijkstra: {} (visited: {}, {:?})",
None => {
println!("p1-a-dijkstra: No path found");
// Find the first corruption that prevents us from reaching the end point.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let first = (INITIAL_BYTES..corruptions.len())
.find_map_first(|i| {
let corrupted = corruptions[..i].iter().cloned().collect::<HashSet<Point>>();
let successors = |p: &Point| {
p.neighbors(|p: &Point| {
p.x >= 0 && p.x < LEN_X && p.y >= 0 && p.y < LEN_Y && !corrupted.contains(p)
.map(|p| (p, 1))
.collect::<Vec<(Point, usize)>>()
match dijkstra(&start, successors, success, heuristic) {
Some(_) => None,
None => Some(i),
if let Some(i) = first {
// Off by one, LOL.
let corruption = corruptions[i - 1];
println!("p2: {},{} {:?}", corruption.x, corruption.y, now.elapsed());
} else {
println!("p2: No path found");
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy)]
struct State<T>
T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
node: T,
cost: usize,
heuristic: usize,
impl<T> PartialOrd for State<T>
T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
impl<T> Ord for State<T>
T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
// We want the smallest cost + heuristic to be at the top of the heap.
(self.cost + self.heuristic)
.cmp(&(other.cost + other.heuristic))
impl<T> State<T>
T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
fn new(node: T, cost: usize, heuristic: usize) -> Self {
State {
fn dijkstra<T, F, S, H>(
start: &T,
successors: F,
success: S,
heuristic: H,
) -> Option<(T, usize, usize)>
T: Eq + Hash + Clone,
F: Fn(&T) -> Vec<(T, usize)>,
S: Fn(&T) -> bool,
H: Fn(&T) -> usize,
let mut visited = HashMap::new();
let mut frontier = BinaryHeap::new();
frontier.push(State::new(start.clone(), 0, heuristic(start)));
while let Some(State {
heuristic: _,
}) = frontier.pop()
// If we have reached our goal, return the node, cost, and number of visited nodes.
if success(&node) {
return Some((node, cost, visited.len()));
// If we have already visited this node and it was cheaper, skip it.
if let Some(&prev_cost) = visited.get(&node) {
if cost >= prev_cost {
} else {
visited.insert(node.clone(), cost);
// Add all the successors of the current node to the frontier.
for (next, new_cost) in successors(&node) {
frontier.push(State::new(next.clone(), cost + new_cost, heuristic(&next)));
// No path found.
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