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Created December 21, 2024 19:16
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Advent of Code 2024 - Day 21
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
use cached::proc_macro::cached;
use itertools::Itertools;
// The next two functions basically find all the possible shortest paths between
// any two points on each of the keypads. Because the combinations are small, we
// can pre-compute.
// We use OnceLock here and in the next function (previously would be
// lazy_static) so we can use the cached macro. There may be an easier way to
// do this but it is nice that the cached macro has a reduced parameter list.
fn numeric_paths() -> &'static HashMap<(char, char), Vec<String>> {
static NUMERIC_PATHS: OnceLock<HashMap<(char, char), Vec<String>>> = OnceLock::new();
NUMERIC_PATHS.get_or_init(|| {
// The first value if the button, the second is a list of its neighbors
// and the direction you'd need to go to get to it.
let numeric_keypad = vec![
('7', vec![('4', 'v'), ('8', '>')]),
('8', vec![('5', 'v'), ('9', '>'), ('7', '<')]),
('9', vec![('6', 'v'), ('8', '<')]),
('4', vec![('1', 'v'), ('5', '>'), ('7', '^')]),
('5', vec![('2', 'v'), ('6', '>'), ('4', '<'), ('8', '^')]),
('6', vec![('3', 'v'), ('5', '<'), ('9', '^')]),
('1', vec![('2', '>'), ('4', '^')]),
('2', vec![('3', '>'), ('5', '^'), ('1', '<'), ('0', 'v')]),
('0', vec![('2', '^'), ('A', '>')]),
('3', vec![('6', '^'), ('2', '<'), ('A', 'v')]),
('A', vec![('0', '<'), ('3', '^')]),
.collect::<HashMap<char, Vec<(char, char)>>>();
// For each combination of buttons, find the shortest paths between them.
.map(|(&a, &b)| ((a, b), find_shortest_paths(&numeric_keypad, a, b)))
fn direction_paths() -> &'static HashMap<(char, char), Vec<String>> {
static DIRECTION_PATHS: OnceLock<HashMap<(char, char), Vec<String>>> = OnceLock::new();
DIRECTION_PATHS.get_or_init(|| {
let direction_keypad = vec![
('^', vec![('A', '>'), ('v', 'v')]),
('A', vec![('^', '<'), ('>', 'v')]),
('>', vec![('A', '^'), ('v', '<')]),
('<', vec![('v', '>')]),
('v', vec![('<', '<'), ('^', '^'), ('>', '>')]),
.collect::<HashMap<char, Vec<(char, char)>>>();
.map(|(&a, &b)| ((a, b), find_shortest_paths(&direction_keypad, a, b)))
// Find all the shortest paths between two points on a keypad. This is a bfs
// that visits all nodes.
fn find_shortest_paths(
neighbors: &HashMap<char, Vec<(char, char)>>,
start: char,
end: char,
) -> Vec<String> {
// We use a queue here to do a breadth-first search of the keypad.
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back((start, Vec::new(), HashSet::new()));
// Track the paths we've found so far and the length of the shortest path.
let mut paths = Vec::new();
let mut lowest = std::usize::MAX;
// While we have nodes to visit, keep looking for the end.
while let Some((node, path, mut visited)) = queue.pop_front() {
// If we found the end, add the path to the list of paths if it's part
// of the lowest.
if node == end {
if path.len() <= lowest {
lowest = path.len();
// Check to see if we have already visited this node. If we are
// continuing, add it to our visited set.
if visited.contains(&node) {
// For each neighbor create a new path that includes it and add to our queue.
for (next, dir) in neighbors.get(&node).unwrap() {
let mut path = path.clone();
queue.push_back((*next, path, visited.clone()));
fn main() {
let input = include_str!("input.txt");
// We want to find the shortest sequence and then multiply it by the number
// at the beginning of the line.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p1 = input
.map(|line| {
find_shortest_sequence(line.to_string(), 2, true)
* line.trim_end_matches('A').parse::<usize>().unwrap()
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p2 = input
.map(|line| {
find_shortest_sequence(line.to_string(), 25, true)
* line.trim_end_matches('A').parse::<usize>().unwrap()
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
fn find_shortest_sequence(sequence: String, depth: usize, numeric: bool) -> usize {
// Pick the right keypad paths.
let paths = if numeric {
} else {
// We want to find the path from each button to the next. All robots start
// at 'A', so we prefix the windows with that.
("A".to_string() + &sequence)
.map(|(a, b)| {
let shortest_paths = paths.get(&(a, b)).unwrap();
match depth {
// If we've reached the end, we just use the shortest path length.
0 => shortest_paths[0].len() + 1,
// Otherwise, we need to find the smallest path among all the paths.
_ => shortest_paths
.map(|mut path| {
// We put and 'A' at the end because they'll need to
// hit the 'A' button to tell the next in line to push their button.
find_shortest_sequence(path, depth - 1, false)
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