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Created December 20, 2024 23:49
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Advent of Code 2024 - Day 20
use std::collections::HashSet;
use pathfinding::directed::dijkstra::dijkstra;
use rayon::prelude::*;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Point {
x: isize,
y: isize,
impl Point {
fn new(x: isize, y: isize) -> Self {
Point {
x: x as isize,
y: y as isize,
fn neighbors(&self) -> Vec<Point> {
Point::new(self.x - 1, self.y),
Point::new(self.x + 1, self.y),
Point::new(self.x, self.y - 1),
Point::new(self.x, self.y + 1),
fn distance(&self, other: &Point) -> usize {
((self.x - other.x).abs() + (self.y - other.y).abs()) as usize
struct Map {
nodes: HashSet<Point>,
start: Point,
end: Point,
impl Map {
fn new(input: &str) -> Self {
let mut nodes = HashSet::new();
let mut start = Point::new(0, 0);
let mut end = Point::new(0, 0);
for (y, line) in input.lines().enumerate() {
for (x, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
let point = Point::new(x as isize, y as isize);
match c {
'.' => {
'S' => {
start = point;
'E' => {
end = point;
_ => {}
Map { nodes, start, end }
fn neighbors(&self, point: &Point) -> Vec<(Point, usize)> {
.filter(|p| self.nodes.contains(p))
.map(|p| (p, 1))
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let input = include_str!("input.txt");
let map = Map::new(input);
// Find the path.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let successors = |point: &Point| map.neighbors(point);
let success = |point: &Point| *point == map.end;
let (path, _) = dijkstra(&map.start, successors, success).ok_or("No path found")?;
// create list of distances.
let distances = path
.map(|(i, &p)| (p, i))
// We can basically just iterator over the path and find and points further
// down the path that are valid jumps and net us at least 100 picoseconds.
let (p1, p2) = distances
.map(|(i, (p1, d1))| {
// Check all the subsequent points on the path.
.skip(i + 1)
.fold((0, 0), |mut acc, (p2, d2)| {
let distance = p1.distance(p2);
// For p1, we need to net 100 picoseconds and can only cheat 2 picoseconds.
if distance == 2 && *d2 - d1 - distance >= 100 {
acc.0 += 1;
// For p2, we need to net 100 picoseconds and can cheat up to 20 picoseconds.
if distance <= 20 && *d2 - d1 - distance >= 100 {
acc.1 += 1;
.reduce(|| (0, 0), |acc, x| (acc.0 + x.0, acc.1 + x.1));
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
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