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Created December 31, 2024 02:59
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Advent of Code 2024 - Day 24
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::io::Write;
use nom::{
branch::alt, bytes::complete::tag, character::complete::alphanumeric1, combinator::map,
multi::separated_list1, sequence::tuple, IResult,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
enum GateType {
impl Display for GateType {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
GateType::And => write!(f, "AND"),
GateType::Or => write!(f, "OR"),
GateType::Xor => write!(f, "XOR"),
impl From<&str> for GateType {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
match s {
"AND" => GateType::And,
"OR" => GateType::Or,
"XOR" => GateType::Xor,
_ => panic!("Unknown gate type: {}", s),
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct Gate<'a> {
a: &'a str,
b: &'a str,
q: &'a str,
t: GateType,
impl<'a> Gate<'a> {
fn new(a: &'a str, b: &'a str, t: GateType, q: &'a str) -> Self {
Gate { a, b, t, q }
fn parse(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Self> {
let (input, gate) = map(
tag(" "),
alt((tag("AND"), tag("OR"), tag("XOR"))),
tag(" "),
tag(" -> "),
|(a, _, t, _, b, _, s)| Gate::new(a, b, t.into(), s),
Ok((input, gate))
fn run(&self, a: bool, b: bool) -> bool {
match self.t {
GateType::And => a && b,
GateType::Or => a || b,
GateType::Xor => a ^ b,
fn has_input(&self, wire: &str) -> bool {
self.a == wire || self.b == wire
fn has_output(&self, wire: &str) -> bool {
self.q == wire
fn is_half_adder_input(&self) -> bool {
self.a == "x00" || self.b == "x00"
fn is_input(&self) -> bool {
|| self.b.starts_with("x")
|| self.a.starts_with("y")
|| self.b.starts_with("y")
fn is_output(&self) -> bool {
fn is_type(&self, t: GateType) -> bool {
self.t == t
struct Wires<'a> {
wires: HashMap<&'a str, bool>,
impl<'a> Wires<'a> {
fn parse_bool(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, bool> {
let (input, b) = alt((tag("0"), tag("1")))(input)?;
Ok((input, b == "1"))
fn parse_wire(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, (&'a str, bool)> {
let (input, (name, _, state)) =
tuple((alphanumeric1, tag(": "), Wires::parse_bool))(input)?;
Ok((input, (name, state)))
fn parse_all(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Self> {
let (input, wires) = separated_list1(tag("\n"), Wires::parse_wire)(input)?;
let wires = wires.into_iter().collect();
Ok((input, Self { wires }))
fn get(&self, wire: &'a str) -> Option<bool> {
fn get_inputs(&self, a: &'a str, b: &'a str) -> Option<(bool, bool)> {
let a = self.get(a)?;
let b = self.get(b)?;
Some((a, b))
fn set(&mut self, wire: &'a str, value: bool) {
self.wires.insert(wire, value);
fn with_prefix(&self, prefix: &str) -> Vec<(&'a str, bool)> {
.filter(|(k, _)| k.starts_with(prefix))
.map(|(&k, &v)| (k, v))
struct Device<'a> {
gates: Vec<Gate<'a>>,
wires: Wires<'a>,
impl<'a> Device<'a> {
fn new(input: &'a str) -> IResult<&'a str, Self> {
let (input, wires) = Wires::parse_all(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("\n\n")(input)?;
let (input, gates) = separated_list1(tag("\n"), Gate::parse)(input)?;
Ok((input, Device { gates, wires }))
fn run(&mut self) {
let mut changed = true;
while changed {
changed = false;
for gate in &self.gates {
if let Some((a, b)) = self.wires.get_inputs(gate.a, gate.b) {
// If we already have a value for this wire, skip it.
if let Some(_) = self.wires.get(gate.q) {
self.wires.set(gate.q,, b));
changed = true;
fn z_as_usize(&self) -> usize {
let mut wires = self.wires.with_prefix("z");
wires.sort_by(|a, b| b.cmp(a));
wires.into_iter().fold(0_usize, |mut acc, (_, z)| {
acc = acc << 1;
if z {
acc |= 1;
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let input = include_str!("input.txt");
// For part 1, simply run the device and find all the z wires and sort them.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let (_, mut device) = Device::new(input)?;;
let p1 = device.z_as_usize();
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
// Print a half adder for reference.
let half_adder = vec![
Gate::new("x00", "y00", GateType::Xor, "z00"),
Gate::new("x00", "y00", GateType::And, "c00"),
mermaid(&half_adder, 0, "half_adder.mmd")?;
// Print a full adder for reference.
let full_adder = vec![
Gate::new("x00", "y00", GateType::Xor, "v1"),
Gate::new("c00", "v1", GateType::Xor, "z00"),
Gate::new("x00", "y00", GateType::And, "v2"),
Gate::new("c00", "v1", GateType::And, "v3"),
Gate::new("v2", "v3", GateType::Or, "c001"),
mermaid(&full_adder, 0, "full_adder.mmd")?;
// print our actual input.
mermaid(&device.gates, 0, "circuit.mmd")?;
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
// Track bad wires.
let mut bad_wires = vec![];
let input_xor_gates = device
.filter(|gate| gate.is_input() && gate.is_type(GateType::Xor))
// First check all the input xor gates.
for gate in &input_xor_gates {
// The initial half adder gate should have a z00 output. No other input
// gates should have z00.
match (gate.is_half_adder_input(), gate.has_output("z00")) {
(true, true) => continue,
(true, false) => bad_wires.push(gate.q),
(false, true) => bad_wires.push(gate.q),
(false, false) => continue,
// All other input gates should not have an output because it needs to
// be XOR with the previous carry wire.
if gate.is_output() {
let intermediate_xor_gates = device
.filter(|gate| !gate.is_input() && gate.is_type(GateType::Xor))
// All other XOR gates should be internal to the full adders and produce an
// output.
intermediate_xor_gates.iter().for_each(|gate| {
if !gate.is_output() {
let output_gates = device
.filter(|gate| gate.is_output())
// All output gates but the last one should come from a carry wire and the
// XOR of the input wires. The last wire is just the last carry wire of the last
// full adder.
let last_z_wire = format!(
device.gates.iter().filter(|gate| gate.is_output()).count() - 1
for gate in &output_gates {
if gate.has_output(&last_z_wire) {
if !gate.is_type(GateType::Or) {
} else if !gate.is_type(GateType::Xor) {
// Gather all the variables from the input_gates
let mut check = vec![];
for gate in &input_xor_gates {
// No need to check the first half adder or any bad wires we've already found.
if bad_wires.contains(&gate.q) || gate.has_output("z00") {
// Look for intermediate xor gates that don't have the output of an input XOR gate.
if intermediate_xor_gates
.filter(|g| g.has_input(gate.q))
== 0
// They are bad wires and we need to check them later.
for gate in check {
let expected = format!("z{}", &gate.a[1..]);
let m = intermediate_xor_gates
.find(|gate| gate.has_output(&expected))
let o = device
.find(|gate| gate.is_type(GateType::Or) && (gate.q == m.a || gate.q == m.b))
if m.a != o.q {
if m.b != o.q {
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", bad_wires.join(","), now.elapsed());
fn get_class(name: &str) -> &'static str {
if name.starts_with("x") || name.starts_with("y") {
} else if name.starts_with("z") {
} else {
fn mermaid<'a>(gates: &Vec<Gate<'a>>, start: usize, filename: &str) -> std::io::Result<()> {
let mut file = std::fs::File::create(filename)?;
// Initialize the graph with some classes.
writeln!(file, "graph TD;")?;
"classDef AND fill:#f38ba8,stroke:#11111b,stroke-width:2px;"
"classDef OR fill:#a6e3a1,stroke:#11111b,stroke-width:2px;"
"classDef XOR fill:#b4befe,stroke:#11111b,stroke-width:2px;"
"classDef INPUT fill:#f9e2af,stroke:#11111b,stroke-width:2px;"
"classDef Z fill:#f2cdcd,stroke:#11111b,stroke-width:2px;"
"classDef VARIABLE fill:#74c7ec,stroke:#11111b,stroke-width:2px;"
// Start with all the x/y/z gates.
let mut visited = HashSet::new();
let mut queue = VecDeque::new();
queue.push_back(format!("x{:02}", start).to_string());
queue.push_back(format!("y{:02}", start).to_string());
queue.push_back(format!("z{:02}", start).to_string());
// Go through the queue. We use a queue here because mermaid will make it more readable
// if we add the gates in the order they are connected.
while let Some(wire) = queue.pop_front() {
// Look for the gates that include this wire.
for gate in gates
.filter(|gate| *gate.a == wire || *gate.b == wire || *gate.q == wire)
// If we've already visited this gate, skip it.
if visited.contains(gate) {
// Write the gate to the file.
let (x, y, z, t) = (gate.a, gate.b, gate.q, gate.t);
writeln!(file, "{}{}{}[{}];", x, y, z, t)?;
writeln!(file, "class {}{}{} {};", x, y, z, t)?;
writeln!(file, "{}:::{};", x, get_class(&x))?;
writeln!(file, "{}:::{};", y, get_class(&y))?;
writeln!(file, "{}:::{};", z, get_class(&z))?;
writeln!(file, "{} --> {}{}{};", x, x, y, z)?;
writeln!(file, "{} --> {}{}{};", y, x, y, z)?;
writeln!(file, "{}{}{} --> {};", x, y, z, z)?;
// Add the wires from this gate to the queue.
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