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Last active January 16, 2024 01:06
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LeetCode #340 & #76
// This is meant to be an introductory problem. The question is, given
// a list of numbers and a number k, return the largest sum of k
// consecutive numbers in the list.
pub fn largest_continuous_sum(nums: Vec<isize>, k: usize) -> isize {
// *state*
// In this case, it's just the max sum we've seen so far.
let mut largest = std::isize::MIN;
// *iterate*
// Both left and right will slide together, so we can use a range
// + enumerate to get both values in our for loop.
for (left, right) in (k..=nums.len()).enumerate() {
// *update state*
// For this problem, we can simply sum the numbers in the
// window and update our largest.
let sum = nums[left..right].iter().sum();
largest = largest.max(sum);
pub fn longest_substring_with_k_distinct_chars(s: &str, k: usize) -> usize {
use std::collections::HashMap;
// We'll use a vec of chars to simplify how the algorithm looks.
let chars = s.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// *state*
// We want to track how many unique characters we have in our
// window, but also how many of each so that as we slide the
// window, we know when a character is no longer in the window at
// all vs just having fewer of them.
// We also want to track our longest.
let mut counts: HashMap<&char, usize> = HashMap::new();
let mut longest = 0;
// *iterate*
// In this case, left and right will slide independently, so we
// need to track them separately.
let mut left = 0;
for (right, c) in chars.iter().enumerate() {
// *update state*
// Increment our count for this char. Then slide the left side
// of the window until we have k distinct chars. Once done, we
// can update our longest value if we found a longer one.
*counts.entry(c).or_default() += 1;
while counts.len() > k {
// We are sliding left, so we want to decrement it's count
// and then remove it from the map it it's now zero.
let left_char = chars[left];
*counts.get_mut(&left_char).unwrap() -= 1;
if counts[&left_char] == 0 {
left += 1;
longest = longest.max(right - left + 1);
pub fn min_window_substring(s: &str, t: &str) -> String {
use std::collections::HashMap;
// Again, we'll use a vec of chars to simplify how the algorithm
// looks.
let chars = s.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Handle the edge cases that leetcode presented.
if s.is_empty() || t.is_empty() {
return "".to_string();
// *state*
// We want to track how many of each char we have left to find in
// t. If all of them are zero or less, we know we have a valid
// window. We also want to track our min_window.
let mut counts: HashMap<char, isize> = t.chars().fold(HashMap::new(), |mut counts, c| {
*counts.entry(c).or_default() += 1;
let mut min_window = "";
// *iterate*
// Again, left and right will slide independently.
let mut left = 0;
for (right, c) in chars.iter().enumerate() {
// *update state*
// The general idea is that we want to decrement values in t
// until we have them all. And then as long we we have all of
// the values in t, we can keep sliding left.
if let Some(count) = counts.get_mut(c) {
*count -= 1
// We want to slide left as long a we have a valid window.
while counts.values().all(|&count| count <= 0) {
// If we have a new minumum window, update it.
if right - left + 1 < min_window.len() || min_window.is_empty() {
min_window = &s[left..=right];
// If left is in our map, increment it's count and then shift left.
if let Some(count) = counts.get_mut(&chars[left]) {
*count += 1;
left += 1;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_largest_continuous_sum() {
let nums = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
let k = 3;
assert_eq!(largest_continuous_sum(nums, k), 12);
let nums = vec![1, 2, 3, -4, 5];
let k = 3;
assert_eq!(largest_continuous_sum(nums, k), 6);
fn test_longest_substring_with_k_distinct_chars() {
let s = "araaci";
let k = 2;
assert_eq!(longest_substring_with_k_distinct_chars(s, k), 4);
let s = "araaci";
let k = 1;
assert_eq!(longest_substring_with_k_distinct_chars(s, k), 2);
let s = "cbbebi";
let k = 3;
assert_eq!(longest_substring_with_k_distinct_chars(s, k), 5);
fn test_min_window_substring() {
let t = "ABC";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "BANC");
let s = "a";
let t = "a";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "a");
let s = "a";
let t = "aa";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "");
let s = "a";
let t = "b";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "");
let s = "aa";
let t = "aa";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "aa");
let s = "bbaa";
let t = "aba";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "baa");
let s = "bbaa";
let t = "abb";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "bba");
let s = "bbaa";
let t = "abaaa";
assert_eq!(min_window_substring(s, t), "");
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