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Created December 24, 2024 05:58
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Advent of Code 2024 - Day 23
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use itertools::Itertools;
fn main() {
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let input = include_str!("input.txt");
// Parse the input into a graph keeping track of vertices and edges.
let (vertices, edges) = input.lines().fold(
(HashSet::new(), HashMap::new()),
|(mut vertices, mut edges), line| {
let (left, right) = line.split_once("-").unwrap();
(vertices, edges)
println!("parse: {:?}", now.elapsed());
// For part 1, simply find all the cliques of size 3 and count the ones that
// contain a "t" in one of the vertices.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let cliques = find_cliques_n(&vertices, &edges, 3);
let p1 = cliques
.filter(|clique| clique.iter().find(|v| v.starts_with('t')).is_some())
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
// let now = std::time::Instant::now();
// let cliques = find_cliques_n(&vertices, &edges, 10);
// println!("cliques-10: {} ({:?})", cliques.len(), now.elapsed());
// Use bron_kerbosch to find the largest clique.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let largest_clique = bron_kerbosch(
&mut vertices.iter().cloned().collect(),
&mut HashSet::new(),
// For part 2, the solution is to sort the vertices and return them as a
// comma-separated string.
let mut largest_clique = largest_clique.iter().collect::<Vec<_>>();
let p2 = largest_clique.iter().join(",");
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
fn find_cliques_n<'a>(
vertices: &HashSet<&'a str>,
edges: &HashMap<&'a str, HashSet<&'a str>>,
n: usize,
) -> HashSet<Vec<&'a str>> {
let mut cliques = HashSet::new();
// We basically test every vertex for a clique of size k. To do this, we
// start by adding all of the vertices to a queue with a clique of just
// itself.
let mut queue = vertices
.map(|&v| (v, vec![v]))
while let Some((vertex, mut clique)) = queue.pop_front() {
// If we've found a click of size k, we add it to the set of cliques. We sort
// the clique to make sure we don't add duplicates.
if clique.len() == n {
// Get a list of neighbors for the current vertex. We only want to
// consider neighbors that are connected to all of the vertices in the
// current clique.
let mut neighbors = edges.get(vertex).unwrap().clone();
neighbors.retain(|neighbor| {
.all(|v| edges.get(v).unwrap().contains(neighbor))
// Add all of the valid neighbors to the queue with the current clique.
for neighbor in neighbors {
let mut new_clique = clique.clone();
queue.push_back((neighbor, new_clique));
// Return all the cliques we found.
// Bron-Kerbosch algorithm is a recursive algorithm for finding all maximal cliques in an undirected graph.
// r is the set of vertices in the current clique.
// p is the set of vertices that can be added to the current clique.
// x is the set of vertices that cannot be added to the current clique.
fn bron_kerbosch<'a>(
r: &HashSet<&'a str>,
p: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
x: &mut HashSet<&'a str>,
edges: &HashMap<&'a str, HashSet<&'a str>>,
) -> HashSet<&'a str> {
// If we have checked all our potential vertices and have no excluded
// vertices, we have found a clique. We check if the current clique is
// larger than the largest clique we have found so far and store it.
if p.is_empty() && x.is_empty() {
return r.clone();
// Try adding each vertex in p to the current clique.
let mut largest_clique = HashSet::new();
for vertex in p.clone() {
// Make a new r with the current vertex added.
let mut r = r.clone();
// Make a new p and x where their vertices are the intersection of the
// current vertex's neighbors and the current p and x.
let neighbors = edges.get(vertex).unwrap();
let mut new_p = p.intersection(neighbors).cloned().collect();
let mut new_x = x.intersection(neighbors).cloned().collect();
// Recurse with the new r, p, and x.
let clique = bron_kerbosch(&r, &mut new_p, &mut new_x, edges);
if clique.len() > largest_clique.len() {
largest_clique = clique;
// Move the current vertex from p to x for the next iteration.
// Return the largest clique we found.
fn mermaid(vertices: &HashSet<&str>, edges: &HashMap<&str, HashSet<&str>>) {
println!("graph TD;");
for vertex in vertices {
println!(" {};", vertex);
for (from, tos) in edges {
for to in tos {
println!(" {} --> {};", from, to);
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