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Created June 22, 2023 18:39
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import { formatWithOptions } from 'util';
import winston, { Logform, format, transports } from 'winston';
import chalk, { ChalkInstance } from 'chalk';
import moment from 'moment';
depth: null,
maxArrayLength: null,
breakLength: 120,
colors: process.stdout.isTTY
export const LOG_LEVELS = {
error: 0,
warn: 1,
notice: 2,
info: 3,
debug: 4,
trace: 5
export const LOG_COLORS: Record<keyof typeof LOG_LEVELS, ChalkInstance> = {
warn: chalk.yellow,
debug: chalk.cyan,
trace: chalk.magenta
let logLevel = process.env.LOG_LEVEL ?? 'info';
let complainLogLevel = false;
if (!(logLevel in LOG_LEVELS)) {
logLevel = 'info';
complainLogLevel = true;
const formatTimestamp = () => moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss').trim();
export let logger = winston.createLogger({
levels: LOG_LEVELS,
level: logLevel,
transports: [
new transports.Console()
format: format.combine(
format.printf((info: Logform.TransformableInfo) => {
// @ts-ignore typescript pls
let splat = info[Symbol.for('splat')];
let formattedMessage = splat
? formatWithOptions(FORMAT_OPTIONS, info.message, ...splat)
: formatWithOptions(FORMAT_OPTIONS, info.message);
let moduleName = info.module ?? 'unknown';
let level: string;
if (info.level in LOG_LEVELS) {
level = LOG_COLORS[<keyof typeof LOG_COLORS> info.level](info.level);
} else {
level = 'INVALID LOG LEVEL:' + info.level;
return `${formatTimestamp()} [${moduleName}/${level}] ${formattedMessage}`;
if (complainLogLevel) {
forModule('logger').error('provided log level', process.env.LOG_LEVEL, 'is not valid, defaulting to', logLevel);
export function forModule(name: string) {
return logger.child({ module: name });
export default forModule;
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