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Last active January 16, 2019 05:57
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Save idanblich/3d8e12345312fcb7aa1633036a34c6c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. Webhook integration ~30 lines
global class BoxRest {
global static void postItems () {
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
RestResponse res = RestContext.response;
System.debug('[ Post req --> ]' + JSON.serializePretty( req ) ) ;
Map<String, String> autoResponse = req.params;
System.debug('[ autoResponse --> ]' + JSON.serializePretty( autoResponse ) ) ;
res.statusCode = 200;
String itemName = autoResponse.get('itemName');
String itemId = autoResponse.get('itemID');
String eventType = autoResponse.get('eventType');
String itemType = autoResponse.get('itemType');
String itemParentFolderId = autoResponse.get('itemParentFolderId');
if( 'folder' != itemType ){
// Get the list of Box_Rest__c that match the account_name sent in the request.
List<Box_Rest__c> boxRestItem = [SELECT Id, Name , Item_Id__c ,Previewed_number__c,
FROM Box_Rest__c
WHERE Item_Id__c =: itemId ];
if( !boxRestItem.isEmpty() && 'deleted' == eventType ){
delete boxRestItem ;
//create Box_Rest obj for : upsert
Box_Rest__c box = new Box_Rest__c (Name = itemName , Item_Id__c = itemId ,
Last_Event_Type__c = eventType,
item_Parent_Folder_Id__c = itemParentFolderId );
//created or updeted
if( 'previewed' != eventType && 'deleted' != eventType &&
'downloaded' != eventType){
upsert box Item_Id__c;
return ;
//update preview counter
if( !boxRestItem.isEmpty() && 'previewed' == eventType ){
box.Previewed_number__c = boxRestItem[0].Previewed_number__c + 1;
upsert box Item_Id__c;
return ;
}//update downloaded counter
if( !boxRestItem.isEmpty() && 'downloaded' == eventType ){
box.Downloaded_number__c = boxRestItem[0].Downloaded_number__c + 1;
upsert box Item_Id__c;
return ;
//never should be here
System.debug('[ Hi .. you shouldn\'t be here, check "global class BoxRest" ]' ) ;
}//END folder IF
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