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Created November 6, 2013 19:03
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Save idanw/7342121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
sip 4.15.3 linking with libstdc++
require 'formula'
class Sip < Formula
homepage ''
url ''
sha1 'ef9916d36fedfd3cfa7161b5fd402f274ea0c99e'
head '', :using => :hg
depends_on :python => :recommended
depends_on :python3 => :optional
def install
if build.head?
# Link the Mercurial repository into the download directory so
# can use it to figure out a version number.
ln_s downloader.cached_location + '.hg', '.hg'
system python, "", "prepare"
# The python block is run once for each python (2.x and 3.x if requested)
python do
# Note the binary `sip` is the same for python 2.x and 3.x
# Set --destdir such that the python modules will be in the HOMEBREWPREFIX/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
system python, "",
system "make"
system "make install"
system "make clean"
def caveats
s = ''
s += python.standard_caveats if python
s += "The sip-dir for Python 2.x is #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/sip.\n"
s += "The sip-dir for Python 3.x is #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/sip3."
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