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Last active February 5, 2018 16:35
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A powershell script that forces jira service off and then on again.
$thisDirectory = "C:\JIRA";
$logPath = "$thisDirectory\restartLog.log";
Function LogWrite
Param ([string]$logString)
$dateString = "$(Get-Date -Format u)";
$outputString = "$dateString $logString";
Write-Host $outputString;
Add-content $logPath -value $outputString;
$serviceName = "JIRA240114184356";
$startServiceDirectory = "C:\JIRA\JIRA";
$startServiceCommandArgs = "C:\JIRA\JIRA\start_service.bat";
LogWrite "Searching for PID for service: $serviceName";
$servicePID = (get-wmiobject win32_service | where { $ -eq $serviceName}).processID;
if($servicePID -eq 0)
LogWrite "PID not found for service: $serviceName.";
LogWrite "$(Get-Date -Format u) - Starting service: $serviceName...";
cmd.exe /c $startServiceCommandArgs;
exit 0;
LogWrite "Attempting to stop service: $serviceName PID: $servicePID";
$stopServiceCommandArgs = "taskkill /T /F /PID $servicePID";
cmd.exe /c $stopServiceCommandArgs;
LogWrite "Waiting for 10 seconds...";
Start-Sleep -s 10;
cd $startServiceDirectory;
LogWrite "$(Get-Date -Format u) - Starting service: $serviceName...";
cmd.exe /c $startServiceCommandArgs;
LogWrite "Successfully started service: $serviceName";
exit 0;
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