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Last active February 25, 2025 01:21
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Save idleberg/9c7aaa3abedc58694df5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Instructions on how to install Fish shell on Mac OS X, including Oh My Fish!. Also includes several useful functions.


  1. Install fish via Brew
  2. Optionally install Oh My Fish!
  3. Add fish to known shells
  4. Set default shell to fish
brew install fish  
curl -L | fish
sudo bash -c 'echo $(which fish) >> /etc/shells'
chsh -s $(which fish)


# shortcuts
alias .. "cd .."
alias cd.. "cd .."
alias ll "ls -la"

# modern tooling (see
alias ls exa
alias cat bat

# typos
alias gti git


Add any the following functions to ~/.config/fish/

sudo bang bang

Repeat previous command with administrator rights

function sudo
    if test "$argv" = !!
        eval command sudo $history[1]
        command sudo $argv


Quickly access your DropBox folder

function db
    set user $HOME
    cd "$HOME/Dropbox"

icloud drive

Quickly access your iCloud Drive folder

function icd
    set user $HOME
    cd "$HOME/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com\~apple\~CloudDocs"


Quickly access your documents folder

function docs    
	switch (uname -s)
    case Darwin Linux FreeBSD NetBSD DragonFly
		set documents $HOME/Documents
	case '*'
		set cygwin (eval uname -o)  
    		if test $cygwin = "Cygwin"
    			set documents (eval cygpath -O)
    	cd $documents


Return platform name

function os
    switch (uname -s)
    case Darwin Linux FreeBSD NetBSD DragonFly
        eval command uname -s
    case "*"`
        switch (uname -s)
        case Cygwin
            eval command uname -s
        case "*"
            eval echo "undefined"

git tag

Simplify the creation and deletion of Git tags

function tag
    if count $argv > /dev/null
        if test $argv[1] = "-d"
            # delete tag if provided
            if test $argv[2]
                eval command git tag -d $argv[2]
                command git push origin :refs/tags/$argv[2]
            # create new tag and push
            eval command git tag -a $argv[1] -m $argv[1]
            command git push --tags
    	# list tags
        command git tag


There are plenty of guides on how to get nvm running in Fish. This is the one that works for me.

  1. Install bass
  2. Add the following to
# This is what you often find online...
function nvm
    bass source (brew --prefix nvm)/ --no-use ';' nvm $argv

# ...however, for me it doesn't work without the following line
set -Ux NVM_DIR ~/.nvm
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echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells gives me a:

-bash: /etc/shells: Permission denied

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imodium commented Dec 12, 2018

echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells gives me a:

-bash: /etc/shells: Permission denied

not in administrator ? -> sudo su and echo /usr/local/bin/fish >> /etc/shells

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kepi0809 commented Jan 8, 2020

wanted to make the same in the VS Code terminal, in that case you have to add to your settings.json (cmd + shift + p then user settings) the following line: "": "/usr/local/bin/fish".
If it still doesn't work write which fish to the terminal and adjust your path accordingly.

Thanks for these instructions 👍

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Hi, Sorry but new to command line tools. Last time i changes my terminal to zsh my few commands stop working. Will it be the case for fish also. If yes then is there any workaround for that?

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Andrewg1263 commented Feb 17, 2022

For Mac M1, my fish installation path is: /opt/homebrew/bin/fish
Replaced the path in 3 and 4 works for me.

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jadnhm commented Feb 23, 2022

I had the same issue @Andrewg1263

I did `sudo bash -c 'echo '(which fish)' >> /etc/shells'

$ sudo bash -c 'echo '(which fish)' >> /etc/shells'
$ cat /etc/shells
# List of acceptable shells for chpass(1).
# Ftpd will not allow users to connect who are not using
# one of these shells.


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ar4s-eth commented Apr 6, 2022

cd..? Just try to type ..

oh em gee... apparently just "~" works the same.

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I also had the same issue as @Andrewg1263 and @jadnhm.
It seems as if this gist hasn't been updated to support instructions for ARM architecture.
I forked the gist and revised it to include a quick fix for the issue, if you want to update yours accordingly.

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Nilpo commented Oct 9, 2022

I also had the same issue as @Andrewg1263 and @jadnhm. It seems as if this gist hasn't been updated to support instructions for ARM architecture. I forked the gist and revised it to include a quick fix for the issue, if you want to update yours accordingly.

This is no longer required. The above instructions have been updated to work on any architecture.

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it helps me to add an export to JAVA_HOME on fish shell

I went to: vim ~/.config/fish/
and add to file the location of bin: export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-11.jdk/Contents/Home

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0x2F4D2 commented Dec 20, 2024

After the above configuration is complete, you may encounter the situation that fish: Unknown command: brew homebrew does not exist. At this time, you only need to edit ~/.config/fish/ and add a command eval $(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv) .

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