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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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Performance Execution on JS Objects Created in Different Ways
// Requires "npm install benchmark microtime"
/* helper functions */
function printSuiteResult(suiteResult, title) {
console.log("### " + title + " ###");
suiteResult.forEach(function (btest) {
var sep = "";
for (var s = 85 -; s > 0; s--) {
sep += " ";
console.log("%s %s mean: %s us / deviation: %s",, sep, btest.stats.mean * 1000000, btest.stats.deviation);
/* Usual Constructor Function */
function ContentPrototype() {
this.text = null;
ContentPrototype.prototype.set = function (text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
this.text = text;
ContentPrototype.prototype.get = function (text) {
return this.text;
/* Usual Constructor Function without Object Prototype */
function ContentPrototypeNull() {
this.text = null;
ContentPrototypeNull.prototype.__proto__ = null;
ContentPrototypeNull.prototype.set = function (text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
this.text = text;
ContentPrototypeNull.prototype.get = function (text) {
return this.text;
/* Constructor Function which uses `Object.defineProperty` */
function ContentProperty() {
var text = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'content', {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
/* Constructor Function which uses `Object.defineProperty` without Object Prototype */
function ContentPropertyNull() {
var text = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'content', {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
ContentPropertyNull.prototype.__proto__ = null;
/* Function which returns an Usual Object Literal */
function contentFunction() {
var text = null;
return {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
/* Function which returns an Object Literal without Object Prototype */
function contentFunctionNull() {
var text = null;
var obj = Object.create(null);
obj.set = function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
obj.get = function () {
return text;
return obj;
/* Function which returns an Object created by `Object.create` defining properties */
function contentFunctionObjCreate() {
var text = null;
return Object.create(Object, {
content: {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
/* Function which returns an Object created by `Object.create` defining properties without Object Prototype */
function contentFunctionObjCreateNull() {
var text = null;
return Object.create(null, {
content: {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
// Simple implementation test
var assert = require('assert');
var cProto = new ContentPrototype();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentPrototype instance');
} catch (e) { };
cProto.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cProto.get(), 'hey you');
var cProtoNull = new ContentPrototypeNull();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentPrototypeNull instance');
} catch (e) { };
cProtoNull.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cProtoNull.get(), 'hey you');
var cProp = new ContentProperty();
try {
cProp.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentProperty instance');
} catch (e) { };
cProp.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cProp.content, 'hey you');
var cPropNull = new ContentPropertyNull();
try {
cPropNull.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentPropertyNull instance');
} catch (e) { };
cPropNull.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cPropNull.content, 'hey you');
var cFunc = contentFunction();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunction returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFunc.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cFunc.get(), 'hey you');
var cFuncNull = contentFunctionNull();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunctionNull returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFuncNull.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cFuncNull.get(), 'hey you');
var cFuncObjCreate = contentFunctionObjCreate();
try {
cFuncObjCreate.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunctionObjCreate returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFuncObjCreate.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cFuncObjCreate.content, 'hey you');
var cFuncObjCreateNull = contentFunctionObjCreateNull();
try {
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunctionObjCreateNull returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cFuncObjCreateNull.content, 'hey you');
// End implementation simple test
var Benchmark = require('benchmark');
var suiteWriteAsync = Benchmark.Suite();
var suiteWriteSync = Benchmark.Suite();
var suiteReadAsync = Benchmark.Suite();
var suiteReadSync = Benchmark.Suite();
suiteWriteAsync.add("Usual Constructor Function", function () {
cProto.set('hey you');
.add("Usual Constructor Function NO Object Prototype", function () {
cProtoNull.set('hey you');
.add("Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty", function () {
cProp.content = 'hey you';
.add("Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty NO Object Prototype", function () {
cPropNull.content = 'hey you';
.add("Function returns an Object Literal", function () {
cFunc.set('hey you');
.add("Function returns an Object Literal NO Object Prototype", function () {
cFuncNull.set('hey you');
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties", function () {
cFuncObjCreate.content = 'hey you';
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties NO Object Prototype", function () {
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = 'hey you';
.on('complete', function () {
printSuiteResult(this, 'Writing value (async)');{ async: false });
.run({ async: true });
suiteWriteSync.add("Usual Constructor Function", function () {
cProto.set('hey you');
.add("Usual Constructor Function NO Object Prototype", function () {
cProtoNull.set('hey you');
.add("Constructor using Object.defineProperty", function () {
cProp.content = 'hey you';
.add("Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty NO Object Prototype", function () {
cPropNull.content = 'hey you';
.add("Function returns an Object Literal", function () {
cFunc.set('hey you');
.add("Function returns an Object Literal NO Object Prototype", function () {
cFuncNull.set('hey you');
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties", function () {
cFuncObjCreate.content = 'hey you';
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties NO Object Prototype", function () {
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = 'hey you';
.on('complete', function () {
printSuiteResult(this, 'Writing value (sync)');{ async: true });
suiteReadAsync.add("Usual Constructor Function", function () {
.add("Usual Constructor Function NO Object Prototype", function () {
.add("Constructor using Object.defineProperty", function () {
.add("Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty NO Object Prototype", function () {
.add("Function returns an Object Literal", function () {
.add("Function returns an Object Literal NO Object Prototype", function () {
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties", function () {
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties NO Object Prototype", function () {
.on('complete', function () {
printSuiteResult(this, 'Reading value (async)');{ async: false });
suiteReadSync.add("Usual Constructor Function", function () {
.add("Usual Constructor Function NO Object Prototype", function () {
.add("Constructor using Object.defineProperty", function () {
.add("Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty NO Object Prototype", function () {
.add("Function returns an Object Literal", function () {
.add("Function returns an Object Literal NO Object Prototype", function () {
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties", function () {
.add("Function returns Object.create defining properties NO Object Prototype", function () {
.on('complete', function () {
printSuiteResult(this, 'Reading value (sync)');
/* helper functions */
function average(collection) {
var total = collection.reduce(function (acc, value) {
return acc + value;
}, 0);
return total/collection.length;
/* Usual Constructor Function */
function ContentPrototype() {
this.text = null;
ContentPrototype.prototype.set = function (text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
this.text = text;
ContentPrototype.prototype.get = function (text) {
return this.text;
/* Usual Constructor Function without Object Prototype */
function ContentPrototypeNull() {
this.text = null;
ContentPrototypeNull.prototype.__proto__ = null;
ContentPrototypeNull.prototype.set = function (text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
this.text = text;
ContentPrototypeNull.prototype.get = function (text) {
return this.text;
/* Constructor Function which uses `Object.defineProperty` */
function ContentProperty() {
var text = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'content', {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
/* Constructor Function which uses `Object.defineProperty` without Object Prototype */
function ContentPropertyNull() {
var text = null;
Object.defineProperty(this, 'content', {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
ContentPropertyNull.prototype.__proto__ = null;
/* Function which returns an Usual Object Literal */
function contentFunction() {
var text = null;
return {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
/* Function which returns an Object Literal without Object Prototype */
function contentFunctionNull() {
var text = null;
var obj = Object.create(null);
obj.set = function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
obj.get = function () {
return text;
return obj;
/* Function which returns an Object created by `Object.create` defining properties */
function contentFunctionObjCreate() {
var text = null;
return Object.create(Object, {
content: {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
/* Function which returns an Object created by `Object.create` defining properties without Object Prototype */
function contentFunctionObjCreateNull() {
var text = null;
return Object.create(null, {
content: {
set: function (c) {
if (typeof c !== 'string') {
throw new Error('Content mus be a string');
text = c;
get: function () {
return text;
// Simple implementation test
var assert = require('assert');
assert.equal(average([2, 4, 3, 7]), 4);
var cProto = new ContentPrototype();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentPrototype instance');
} catch (e) { };
cProto.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cProto.get(), 'hey you');
var cProtoNull = new ContentPrototypeNull();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentPrototypeNull instance');
} catch (e) { };
cProtoNull.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cProtoNull.get(), 'hey you');
var cProp = new ContentProperty();
try {
cProp.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentProperty instance');
} catch (e) { };
cProp.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cProp.content, 'hey you');
var cPropNull = new ContentPropertyNull();
try {
cPropNull.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a ContentPropertyNull instance');
} catch (e) { };
cPropNull.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cPropNull.content, 'hey you');
var cFunc = contentFunction();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunction returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFunc.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cFunc.get(), 'hey you');
var cFuncNull = contentFunctionNull();
try {
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunctionNull returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFuncNull.set('hey you');
assert.equal(cFuncNull.get(), 'hey you');
var cFuncObjCreate = contentFunctionObjCreate();
try {
cFuncObjCreate.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunctionObjCreate returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFuncObjCreate.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cFuncObjCreate.content, 'hey you');
var cFuncObjCreateNull = contentFunctionObjCreateNull();
try {
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = {};
console.error('Error expected to assign non string to a contentFunctionObjCreateNull returned object');
} catch (e) { };
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = 'hey you';
assert.equal(cFuncObjCreateNull.content, 'hey you');
// End implementation simple test
var nti;
var it;
var WARM_UP = 10;
var NUM_ITERATIONS = 9999999;
var startTime;
var results = {
protoSet: [],
protoGet: [],
protoNullSet: [],
protoNullGet: [],
propSet: [],
propGet: [],
propNullSet: [],
propNullGet: [],
funcSet: [],
funcGet: [],
funcNullSet: [],
funcNullGet: [],
funcObjCreateSet: [],
funcObjCreateGet: [],
funcObjCreateNullSet: [],
funcObjCreateNullGet: []
for (nti = 0; nti < PERF_TEST_ITERATIONS; nti++) {
if (nti === WARM_UP) {
Object.keys(results).forEach(function (key) {
results[key] = [];
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cProto.set('hey you');
results.protoSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.protoGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cProtoNull.set('hey you');
results.protoNullSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.protoNullGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cProp.content = 'hey you';
results.propSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.propGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cPropNull.content = 'hey you';
results.propNullSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.propNullGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cFunc.set('hey you');
results.funcSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.funcGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cFuncNull.set('hey you');
results.funcNullSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.funcNullGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cFuncObjCreate.content = 'hey you';
results.funcObjCreateSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.funcObjCreateGet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
cFuncObjCreateNull.content = 'hey you';
results.funcObjCreateNullSet.push( - startTime);
startTime =;
for (it = 0; it < NUM_ITERATIONS; it++) {
results.funcObjCreateNullGet.push( - startTime);
console.log('### Writting value (average time) ###');
console.log('Usual Constructor Function: %s us', (average(results.protoSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Usual Constructor Function NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.protoNullSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty: %s us', (average(results.propSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.propNullSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns an Object Literal: %s us', (average(results.funcSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns an Object Literal NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.funcNullSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns Object.create defining properties: %s us', (average(results.funcObjCreateSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns Object.create defining properties NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.funcObjCreateNullSet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('\n### Reading value (average time) ###');
console.log('Usual Constructor Function: %s us', (average(results.protoGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Usual Constructor Function NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.protoNullGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty: %s us', (average(results.propGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Constructor Function using Object.defineProperty NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.propNullGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns an Object Literal: %s us', (average(results.funcGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns an Object Literal NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.funcNullGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns Object.create defining properties: %s us', (average(results.funcObjCreateGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
console.log('Function returns Object.create defining properties NO Object Prototype: %s us', (average(results.funcObjCreateNullGet) / NUM_ITERATIONS) * 1000);
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