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Replace `method_missing` with dynamic method definition.
class Decorator
def initialize(subject)
@subject = subject
def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
@subject.send sym, *args, &block
# Since the method call is being called on the decorator but the subject is raising the error,
# it may be painful to track down where the problem resides.
# These problems can be avoided entirely by using the available data to dynamically define methods at runtime.
# Using this technique any invalid method calls will be correctly reported as NoMethodErrors on the decorator.
# Additionally, there’s no method_missing definition, which should help avoid the stack level too deep problem entirely.
# Move subject's methods to Decorator instance's singleton methods.
class Decorator
def initialize(subject)
subject.public_methods(false).each do |meth|
(class << self; self; end).class_eval do
define_method meth do |*args|
subject.send meth, *args
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