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Created September 28, 2021 19:39
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package com.marimon.datastructures
// based on
sealed trait BST[+A] {
import BST._
def insert[AA >: A](
newValue: AA
)(implicit ordering: Ordering[AA]): BST[AA] = {
val res =
this match {
case Nope =>
case Leaf(current) =>
if (, current))
Branch(current, Leaf(newValue), empty)
Branch(current, empty, Leaf(newValue))
case Branch(current, left, right) =>
if (, current))
Branch(current, left.insert(newValue), right)
Branch(current, left, right.insert(newValue))
def insertAll[AA >: A](
otherTree: BST[AA]
)(implicit ordering: Ordering[AA]): BST[AA] = {
this match {
case Nope => otherTree
case Leaf(value) => otherTree.insert(value)
case Branch(value, left, right) =>
def values[AA >: A]: Seq[AA] = {
this match {
case Nope => Seq.empty[AA]
case Leaf(value) => Seq(value)
case Branch(value, left, right) =>
Seq(value) ++: left.values ++: right.values
def contains[AA >: A](seeked: AA)(implicit ordering: Ordering[AA]): Boolean =
this match {
case Nope => false
case Leaf(value) => value == seeked
case Branch(value, left, right) =>
if (value == seeked) true
else if (, seeked)) right.contains(seeked)
else left.contains(seeked)
def delete[AA >: A](seeked: AA)(implicit ordering: Ordering[AA]): BST[AA] =
this match {
case Nope => Nope
case x @ Leaf(value) => if (seeked == value) Nope else x
case x @ Branch(value, left, right) =>
if (!this.contains(seeked)) this
else {
if (value == seeked) {
} else if (, value))
Branch(value, left.delete(seeked), right)
Branch(value, left, right.delete(seeked))
def length: Int = this match {
case Nope => 0
case Leaf(value) => 1
case Branch(value, left, right) => 1 + left.length + right.length
case object Nope extends BST[Nothing]
case class Leaf[+A](value: A) extends BST[A]
case class Branch[+A](value: A, left: BST[A], right: BST[A]) extends BST[A]
object BST {
def empty[A]: BST[A] = Nope
def apply[A: Ordering](values: A*): BST[A] =
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