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Last active June 6, 2024 07:00
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  • Save igorburago/fa340429e75007a41335fb660d419e52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save igorburago/fa340429e75007a41335fb660d419e52 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fast partial sorting of an array on a subinterval
/* Copyright 2024 Igor Burago. Distributed under the ISC License terms. */
#include <math.h> /* for partition_floyd_rivest() */
#include <stddef.h> /* ptrdiff_t */
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h> /* memcpy(), memset() */
/* Built-in u128 is not strictly required, but it makes mcg64 simpler and faster. */
typedef __uint128_t uint128_t;
#define mustinline inline __attribute__((always_inline))
#define likely(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 1))
#define unlikely(x) (__builtin_expect(!!(x), 0))
#define glueraw(x, y) x##y
#define glue(x, y) glueraw(x, y)
#define dub(name) glue(name, glue(__L, __LINE__))
#define tacitly(x) extern void dub(dummy)(int dub(compile_time_check)[(x) ? 1 : -1])
//#define DEBUG_BUILD
#include <stdio.h>
#define surely(x) do { \
if likely(x) {break;} \
fprintf(stderr, "FATAL: %s:%d: %s does not hold!\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); \
__builtin_trap(); \
} while (0)
#define surely(x) do {while (!(x)) {__builtin_unreachable();}} while (0)
#define swap(x, y) do { \
void *dub(xp) = &(x), *dub(yp) = &(y); \
char dub(swap)[sizeof(x) == sizeof(y) ? (int)sizeof(x) : -1]; \
memcpy(dub(swap), dub(xp), sizeof(dub(swap))); \
memcpy(dub(xp), dub(yp), sizeof(dub(swap))); \
memcpy(dub(yp), dub(swap), sizeof(dub(swap))); \
} while (0)
static inline uint64_t
splitmix64_next(uint64_t *s) {
uint64_t x = *s += 0x9E3779B97F4A7C15u;
x = (x^(x>>30)) * 0xBF58476D1CE4E5B9u;
x = (x^(x>>27)) * 0x94D049BB133111EBu;
return x^(x>>31);
struct mcg64 {uint128_t s;};
static inline struct mcg64
mcg64(uint64_t seed) {
uint64_t a = splitmix64_next(&seed);
uint64_t b = splitmix64_next(&seed);
return (struct mcg64){((uint128_t)a << 64) + b};
static mustinline uint64_t
mcg64_next(struct mcg64 *r) {
return (r->s *= 0xDA942042E4DD58B5u) >> 64;
/* Fast and only slightly biased for large (end-beg) approaching u32/u64 max. */
static mustinline uint32_t
onto_range_u32(uint32_t x, uint32_t beg, uint32_t end) {
x = ((uint64_t)x * (end - beg)) >> 32;
return beg + x;
static mustinline uint64_t
onto_range_u64(uint64_t x, uint64_t beg, uint64_t end) {
x = ((uint128_t)x * (end - beg)) >> 64;
return beg + x;
static mustinline uint64_t
load_u64(void *p, size_t size) {
if likely(size > sizeof(uint64_t)) {size = sizeof(uint64_t);}
unsigned char b[sizeof(uint64_t)];
memcpy(b, p, size);
uint64_t x = 0;
memcpy(&x, b, size);
return x;
typedef int item_t;
#define item_less(x, y) ((x) < (y))
/* Both signed and unsigned types are supported: */
typedef uint32_t idx_t;
/* MCG is faster than LCG or PCG, and is good enough for quicksort: */
typedef struct mcg64 idx_rng_t;
#define idx_rng(seed) (mcg64(seed))
#define idx_rand(rng, beg, end) (onto_range_u32(mcg64_next(rng), (beg), (end)))
* OPTION 1: One-off partial quicksort (no state shared between calls)
#define max(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
enum {
QSORT_CUTOFF_SOFT = max(8, 64/sizeof(item_t)),
tacitly(QSORT_CUTOFF_HARD >= 3); /* We use the median-of-three pivoting. */
/* Insertion sort. */
static mustinline void
qsort_cutoff_sort(item_t *arr, idx_t len) {
for (idx_t j, i = likely(len != 0); i != len; i++) {
item_t x = arr[i];
for (j = i; j != 0 && item_less(x, arr[j-1]); j--) {
arr[j] = arr[j-1];
arr[j] = x;
/* Hoare-partition elements in [0,len) using the item at piv_idx for pivot. */
static mustinline idx_t
partition(item_t *arr, idx_t len, idx_t piv_idx) {
surely(len >= 2); surely(0 <= piv_idx); surely(piv_idx < len);
item_t piv = arr[piv_idx];
arr[piv_idx] = arr[0];
piv_idx = item_less(arr[len-1], piv) ? len-1 : 0;
arr[0] = arr[piv_idx];
arr[piv_idx] = piv;
idx_t i = 0, j = len-1;
for (;;) {
do {i++;} while (item_less(arr[i], piv));
do {j--;} while (item_less(piv, arr[j]));
if (i >= j) {break;}
swap(arr[i], arr[j]);
j += (piv_idx != 0);
swap(arr[j], arr[piv_idx]);
return j;
static mustinline idx_t
median_rand_3(idx_rng_t *rng, item_t *arr, idx_t len) {
surely(len >= 3);
idx_t i[3];
i[0] = idx_rand(rng, 0, len-0);
i[1] = idx_rand(rng, 0, len-1);
i[2] = idx_rand(rng, 0, len-2);
int i1_after_i0 = (i[1] >= i[0]);
i[1] += i1_after_i0; /* Count i[1]-th item, jumping over i[0]-th. */
i[2] += (i[2] >= i[!i1_after_i0]); /* Count i[2]-th, jumping over min(i[0],i[1])-th... */
i[2] += (i[2] >= i[i1_after_i0]); /* ...and then over max(i[0],i[1])-th. */
int lt01 = !!item_less(arr[i[0]], arr[i[1]]);
int lt02 = !!item_less(arr[i[0]], arr[i[2]]);
int lt12 = !!item_less(arr[i[1]], arr[i[2]]);
return i[(1 ^ lt01 ^ lt02) + (lt02 ^ lt12)];
* Partially quick-sort elements from [l,r) so that those whose ranks in
* the sorted sequence belong to [lo,hi) take their correct positions.
static void
part_qsort_rand_rec(idx_rng_t *rng, item_t *arr, idx_t lo, idx_t hi, idx_t l, idx_t r) {
for (;;) {
if unlikely(r-l <= QSORT_CUTOFF_HARD ||
(r-l <= QSORT_CUTOFF_SOFT && lo <= l && r <= hi)) {
qsort_cutoff_sort(arr+l, r-l);
idx_t r1 = l + partition(arr+l, r-l, median_rand_3(rng, arr+l, r-l));
idx_t l1 = r1 + 1;
int go_left = (lo < r1 && r1-l > 1);
int go_right = (l1 < hi && r-l1 > 1);
switch (2*go_left + go_right) {
case 0: return;
case 1: l = l1; break;
case 2: r = r1; break;
case 3:
if (r1-l <= r-l1) {
part_qsort_rand_rec(rng, arr, lo, hi, l, r1);
l = l1;
} else {
part_qsort_rand_rec(rng, arr, lo, hi, l1, r);
r = r1;
static inline void
part_qsort_rand(item_t *arr, idx_t len, idx_t lo, idx_t hi) {
surely(len >= 0); surely(0 <= lo); surely(lo <= hi); surely(hi <= len);
if (len <= 1 || lo >= hi) {return;}
idx_rng_t rng = idx_rng((uintptr_t)arr);
idx_t i = idx_rand(&rng, 0, len);
rng = idx_rng((uintptr_t)arr + load_u64(arr+i, (len-i)*sizeof(arr[0])));
part_qsort_rand_rec(&rng, arr, lo, hi, 0, len);
* OPTION 2: Incremental quicksort (pivot indices are shared between calls)
* Partially quick-sort elements from [l,r) so that those whose ranks in the
* sorted sequence belong to [lo,hi) end up in their correct positions, taking
* into account the history of partitions from previous invocations.
* The pivot indices of past partitions are stored in the piv_idx array in the
* order of preorder traversal of the quicksort tree. Special index values
* SORTED and CHAOS signify that an interval is, respectively, fully sorted and
* has not been partitioned yet (all piv_idx must initially be set to CHAOS).
#define INC_QSORT_CHAOS ((idx_t)-1)
#define INC_QSORT_SORTED ((idx_t)-2)
static void
inc_qsort_rand_rec(idx_rng_t *rng, item_t *arr, idx_t lo, idx_t hi,
idx_t l, idx_t r, idx_t *piv_idx) {
for (;;) {
int will_be_sorted = (lo <= l && r <= hi);
if unlikely(r-l <= QSORT_CUTOFF_HARD ||
(r-l <= QSORT_CUTOFF_SOFT && will_be_sorted)) {
qsort_cutoff_sort(arr+l, r-l);
*piv_idx = INC_QSORT_SORTED;
idx_t r1 = *piv_idx;
if likely(r1 == INC_QSORT_CHAOS) {
r1 = l + partition(arr+l, r-l, median_rand_3(rng, arr+l, r-l));
*piv_idx = will_be_sorted ? INC_QSORT_SORTED : r1;
idx_t l1 = r1 + 1;
idx_t *piv_idx_left = piv_idx + 1;
idx_t *piv_idx_right = piv_idx + (l1 - l);
int go_left = (lo < r1 && r1-l > 1 && *piv_idx_left != INC_QSORT_SORTED);
int go_right = (l1 < hi && r-l1 > 1 && *piv_idx_right != INC_QSORT_SORTED);
switch (2*go_left + go_right) {
case 0: return;
case 1: l = l1, piv_idx = piv_idx_right; break;
case 2: r = r1, piv_idx = piv_idx_left; break;
case 3:
if (r1-l <= r-l1) {
inc_qsort_rand_rec(rng, arr, lo, hi, l, r1, piv_idx_left);
l = l1, piv_idx = piv_idx_right;
} else {
inc_qsort_rand_rec(rng, arr, lo, hi, l1, r, piv_idx_right);
r = r1, piv_idx = piv_idx_left;
static inline void
inc_qsort_rand(item_t *arr, idx_t *piv_idxs, idx_t len, idx_t lo, idx_t hi) {
surely(len >= 0); surely(0 <= lo); surely(lo <= hi); surely(hi <= len);
if (len <= 1 || lo >= hi || *piv_idxs == INC_QSORT_SORTED) {return;}
idx_rng_t rng = idx_rng((uintptr_t)arr);
idx_t i = idx_rand(&rng, 0, len);
rng = idx_rng((uintptr_t)arr + load_u64(arr+i, (len-i)*sizeof(arr[0])));
inc_qsort_rand_rec(&rng, arr, lo, hi, 0, len, piv_idxs);
* OPTION 3: Floyd-Rivest partitioning + N largest scan using binary heap
* Binary heap implementation. Supports both min- and max-heaps, as well as
* both left-to-right and right-to-left storage layout in memory.
#define heap_less(x, y) ((min_heap) ? item_less((x), (y)) : item_less((y), (x)))
#define heap_at(i) ((root)[(store_backwards) ? -(ptrdiff_t)(i) : +(ptrdiff_t)(i)])
static inline void
heap_fix_down(int min_heap, int store_backwards, item_t *root, ptrdiff_t node, ptrdiff_t len) {
surely(len >= 0);
item_t x = heap_at(node);
for (ptrdiff_t child, first_leaf = len/2; node < first_leaf; node = child) {
child = (node << 1) + 1;
child += (likely(child+1 != len) && heap_less(heap_at(child+1), heap_at(child)));
if (!heap_less(heap_at(child), x)) {break;}
heap_at(node) = heap_at(child);
heap_at(node) = x;
#undef heap_less
#undef heap_at
static inline void
heap_build(int min_heap, int store_backwards, item_t *root, ptrdiff_t len) {
surely(len >= 0);
/* Unlike repeated insertion, this only takes linear time. */
for (ptrdiff_t i = len/2; i != 0; i--) {
heap_fix_down(min_heap, store_backwards, root, i-1, len);
#define lr_max_heap_fix_down(root, node, len) (heap_fix_down(0,0, (root), (node), (len)))
#define rl_min_heap_fix_down(root, node, len) (heap_fix_down(1,1, (root), (node), (len)))
#define lr_max_heap_build(root, len) (heap_build(0,0, (root), (len)))
#define rl_min_heap_build(root, len) (heap_build(1,1, (root), (len)))
* Use Floyd-Rivest Select algorithm to partition elements in [beg,end) using
* the piv_rank-th largest element in that interval (counting from zero) for
* the pivot, which hence ends up at exactly the piv_rank index in the array
* when partitioning completes.
* - Floyd, R. W., Rivest, R. L. (1975). Expected time bounds for selection.
* Communications of the ACM, 18(3), 165-172.
* - Kiwiel, K. C. (2005). On Floyd and Rivest's SELECT algorithm.
* Theoretical Computer Science, 347(1-2), 214-238.
static void
partition_floyd_rivest(item_t *arr, idx_t beg, idx_t end, idx_t piv_rank) {
enum {CUTOFF_LEN = 600}; /* At most 4 levels of recursion for 32-bit ranges. */
surely(beg <= end); surely(beg <= piv_rank); surely(piv_rank < end);
ptrdiff_t l = beg, r = end-1, k = piv_rank;
while (l < r) {
ptrdiff_t n = r - l + 1;
ptrdiff_t m = k - l + 1;
if likely(n > CUTOFF_LEN) {
double log_n = log(n);
ptrdiff_t s = (ptrdiff_t)exp(log_n*(2/3.0)) / 2;
ptrdiff_t g = (1 - 2*(m < n/2)) * (ptrdiff_t)sqrt(log_n*(n-s)*s/n) / 2;
ptrdiff_t l1 = k + g - m*s/n;
ptrdiff_t r1 = k + g + (n-m)*s/n;
if unlikely(l1 < l) {l1 = l;}
if unlikely(r1 > r) {r1 = r;}
partition_floyd_rivest(arr, l1, r1+1, k);
ptrdiff_t p = l + partition(arr+l, n, m-1);
if (k <= p) {r = p-1;}
if (p <= k) {l = p+1;}
* Partially heap-sort elements from [0,len) so that those whose ranks in
* the sorted sequence belong to [lo,hi) take their correct positions.
* If the requested sorting interval is closer to the beginning of the array:
* (A1) Partition the array around the (hi-1)-st largest element as a pivot.
* (A2) Build a right-to-left min-heap out of elements in [lo,hi) so that
* the root node holding the minimum value is stored at index hi-1.
* (A3) For each element in [0,lo), if it is exceeding the current heap
* minimum, exchange the former with the latter, fixing the heap.
* (A4) Fill [lo,hi) going left to right with successively removed heap
* minimums, simultaneously shortening (and maintaining) the heap.
* Otherwise, if the interval is closer to the end of the array:
* (B1) Partition the array around the lo-th largest element as a pivot.
* (B2) Build a left-to-right max-heap out of elements in [lo,hi) so that
* the root node holding the maximum value is stored at index lo.
* (B3) For each element in [hi,len), if it is inferior to the current heap
* maximum, exchange the former with the latter, fixing the heap.
* (B4) Fill [lo,hi) going right to left with successively removed heap
* maximums, simultaneously shortening (and maintaining) the heap.
static inline void
part_hsort_frsel(item_t *arr, idx_t len, idx_t lo, idx_t hi) {
surely(len >= 0); surely(0 <= lo); surely(lo < hi); surely(hi <= len);
if (len <= 1 || lo >= hi) {return;}
if (lo < len-hi) {
partition_floyd_rivest(arr, 0, len, hi-1);
idx_t heap_len = hi - lo;
item_t *heap_root = arr + hi - 1;
rl_min_heap_build(heap_root, heap_len);
for (idx_t i = 0; i != lo; i++) {
if (!item_less(*heap_root, arr[i])) {continue;}
swap(arr[i], *heap_root);
rl_min_heap_fix_down(heap_root, 0, heap_len);
for (idx_t i = lo; i != hi; i++) {
swap(arr[i], *heap_root);
rl_min_heap_fix_down(heap_root, 0, --heap_len);
} else {
partition_floyd_rivest(arr, 0, len, lo);
idx_t heap_len = hi - lo;
item_t *heap_root = arr + lo;
lr_max_heap_build(heap_root, heap_len);
for (idx_t i = hi; i != len; i++) {
if (!item_less(arr[i], *heap_root)) {continue;}
swap(arr[i], *heap_root);
lr_max_heap_fix_down(heap_root, 0, heap_len);
for (idx_t i = hi-1; i != lo; i--) {
swap(arr[i], *heap_root);
lr_max_heap_fix_down(heap_root, 0, --heap_len);
#include <stdio.h> /* printf() */
#include <stdlib.h> /* calloc(), free() */
#include <time.h> /* clock_gettime() */
static inline uint64_t
nsec(void) {
struct timespec t;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &t);
return (uint64_t)t.tv_sec*1000*1000*1000 + (uint64_t)t.tv_nsec;
struct pcg32 {uint64_t s, t;};
static inline struct pcg32
pcg32(uint64_t seed) {
uint64_t a = splitmix64_next(&seed);
uint64_t b = splitmix64_next(&seed);
return (struct pcg32){.s = a, .t = b|1};
static inline uint32_t
pcg32_next(struct pcg32 *r) {
uint32_t k = r->s >> 59;
uint32_t x = (r->s ^ (r->s>>18)) >> 27;
r->s = r->s*0x5851F42D4C957F2Du + r->t;
return (x >> k) | (x << (-k & 31));
static inline void
shuffle(struct pcg32 *r, item_t *arr, uint32_t n) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
swap(arr[i], arr[onto_range_u32(pcg32_next(r), i, n)]);
static inline void
call_part_qsort_rand(item_t *arr, idx_t *piv_idxs, idx_t len, idx_t lo, idx_t hi) {
part_qsort_rand(arr, len, lo, hi); (void)piv_idxs;
static inline void
call_part_hsort_frsel(item_t *arr, idx_t *piv_idxs, idx_t len, idx_t lo, idx_t hi) {
part_hsort_frsel(arr, len, lo, hi); (void)piv_idxs;
extern int
main(void) {
enum {
typedef void partial_sort_test_fn(item_t*, idx_t*, idx_t, idx_t, idx_t);
static const struct test_func {
partial_sort_test_fn *func;
const char *name;
} funcs[] = {
#define X(p,f) {glue(p,f), #f}
#undef X
}; enum {N_FUNCS = sizeof(funcs)/sizeof(funcs[0])};
static const struct test_params {
int n_runs;
int n_sorts;
idx_t arr_len;
idx_t min_sort_len;
idx_t max_sort_len;
} tests[] = {
{100, 5, 100, 5, 20},
{7000, 1, 100*1000, 100, 1000},
{500, 100, 100*1000, 100, 1000},
{30, 500, 1000*1000, 100, 5000},
{8, 2000, 1000*1000, 100, 5000},
{4, 500, 10*1000*1000, 100, 10*1000},
{4, 25, 100*1000*1000, 100, 10*1000},
}; enum {N_TESTS = sizeof(tests)/sizeof(tests[0])};
idx_t max_arr_len = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N_TESTS; i++) {
if (max_arr_len < tests[i].arr_len) {
max_arr_len = tests[i].arr_len;
item_t *arr = calloc(max_arr_len, sizeof(arr[0]));
idx_t *piv_idxs = calloc(max_arr_len, sizeof(piv_idxs[0]));
surely(arr); surely(piv_idxs);
uint64_t rng_seed = RANDOMIZE ? nsec() : 1889;
for (int i_func = 0; i_func < N_FUNCS; i_func++) {
partial_sort_test_fn *const partial_sort = funcs[i_func].func;
printf("\nFunction %s\n", funcs[i_func].name);
struct pcg32 rng = pcg32(rng_seed);
for (int i_test = 0; i_test < N_TESTS; i_test++) {
const struct test_params T = tests[i_test];
if (VERBOSE) {
printf("Test %3d. Parameters: %d x %d, %td, %td..%td\n",
i_test+1, T.n_runs, T.n_sorts, (ptrdiff_t)T.arr_len,
(ptrdiff_t)T.min_sort_len, (ptrdiff_t)T.max_sort_len);
uint64_t test_dt = 0;
for (int i_run = 0; i_run < T.n_runs; i_run++) {
/* Initialize the array to a random permutation (of its indices). */
for (idx_t i = 0; i < T.arr_len; i++) {arr[i] = (item_t)i;}
shuffle(&rng, arr, T.arr_len);
/* Set pivot indices to INC_QSORT_CHAOS for inc_qsort_rand(): */
tacitly(INC_QSORT_CHAOS == (idx_t)-1);
memset(piv_idxs, 0xFF, T.arr_len*sizeof(piv_idxs[0]));
uint64_t run_dt = 0;
for (int i_sort = 0; i_sort < T.n_sorts; i_sort++) {
idx_t span = onto_range_u32(pcg32_next(&rng), T.min_sort_len, T.max_sort_len+1);
idx_t lo = onto_range_u32(pcg32_next(&rng), 0, T.arr_len-span+1);
idx_t hi = lo + span;
uint64_t t0 = nsec();
(*partial_sort)(arr, piv_idxs, T.arr_len, lo, hi);
uint64_t dt = nsec() - t0;
run_dt += dt;
int ok = 1; idx_t first_diff = 0;
for (idx_t i = lo; i < hi; i++) {
if (arr[i] != (item_t)i) {
ok = 0, first_diff = i;
if (VERBOSE || !ok) {
printf("Test %3d, run %3d, sort %3d. [%12td %12td] (%6td): %4s %.9f\n",
i_test+1, i_run+1, i_sort+1, (ptrdiff_t)lo, (ptrdiff_t)hi-1, (ptrdiff_t)span,
ok ? "OK" : "FAIL", dt*1e-9/span);
if (!ok) {
enum {BEFORE = 5, AFTER = 10};
idx_t l = first_diff-lo >= BEFORE ? first_diff-BEFORE : lo;
idx_t r = hi-first_diff >= AFTER+1 ? first_diff+AFTER+1 : hi;
printf(" [%td..%td]:", (ptrdiff_t)l, (ptrdiff_t)r-1);
for (idx_t i = l; i < r; i++) {
printf(" %llu", (unsigned long long)arr[i]);
test_dt += run_dt;
if (VERBOSE) {
printf("Test %3d, run %3d. Elapsed: %9.6f\n",
i_test+1, i_run+1, run_dt*1e-9);
printf("Test %3d. Elapsed: %7.3f total, %9.6f per run\n",
i_test+1, test_dt*1e-9, test_dt*1e-9/T.n_runs);
free(arr), arr = 0;
free(piv_idxs), piv_idxs = 0;
return 0;

Machine: MacBook Air (M1, 2020).
All times are in seconds.

$ clang -std=c99 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-function -O3 -lm -o partsort partsort.c && ./partsort

Function inc_qsort_rand
Test   1. Elapsed:   0.001 total,  0.000005 per run
Test   2. Elapsed:   4.212 total,  0.000602 per run
Test   3. Elapsed:   1.655 total,  0.003310 per run
Test   4. Elapsed:   1.449 total,  0.048305 per run
Test   5. Elapsed:   0.447 total,  0.055869 per run
Test   6. Elapsed:   1.444 total,  0.360975 per run
Test   7. Elapsed:   6.325 total,  1.581167 per run

Function part_qsort_rand
Test   1. Elapsed:   0.000 total,  0.000003 per run
Test   2. Elapsed:   4.218 total,  0.000603 per run
Test   3. Elapsed:   5.663 total,  0.011326 per run
Test   4. Elapsed:  13.308 total,  0.443609 per run
Test   5. Elapsed:  13.314 total,  1.664282 per run
Test   6. Elapsed:  17.212 total,  4.303028 per run
Test   7. Elapsed:  14.652 total,  3.662908 per run

Function part_hsort_frsel
Test   1. Elapsed:   0.000 total,  0.000003 per run
Test   2. Elapsed:   2.441 total,  0.000349 per run
Test   3. Elapsed:   7.807 total,  0.015613 per run
Test   4. Elapsed:  18.609 total,  0.620295 per run
Test   5. Elapsed:  11.069 total,  1.383626 per run
Test   6. Elapsed:  58.315 total, 14.578769 per run
Test   7. Elapsed: 118.626 total, 29.656508 per run
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