- Shopify
- Github
- Basecamp
- Ask.fm
- Groupon
- Couchsurfing
- Airbnb
- https://jobs.dou.ua/salaries/#period=jun2019&city=Kyiv&title=Junior%20Software%20Engineer&language=Ruby%2FRails&spec=&exp1=0&exp2=10 (700, 1500, ....)
- Blog in 10 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaL9ul17kx0 (old video, 2011 year, now Rails even more powerful)
- https://www.udemy.com/course/the-complete-ruby-on-rails-developer-course/ 43 hours of video, $12 course, buy with friend and learn together
- https://www.youtube.com/user/RubyScreencastsRu/videos (RUS), use same versions of Ruby/Rails as in video
- 3 months
- strong & personal mentors
- interesting projects
- big change to start work in IT
- learn Ruby/React