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Created January 7, 2015 09:23
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GEB MU puzzle in miniKanren
; Douglas Hofstadter's MU puzzle from Gödel, Escher, Bach
; written in miniKanren
(load "mk.scm")
(define print
(lambda (exp)
(display exp)
(define appendo
(lambda (l s out)
[(== '() l) (== s out)]
[(fresh (a d res)
(== `(,a . ,d) l)
(== `(,a . ,res) out)
(appendo d s res))])))
(define muo
(lambda (in out)
[(fresh (x)
(appendo x `(I) in)
(appendo x `(I U) out))]
[(fresh (x xx)
(== `(M . ,x) in)
(== `(M . ,xx) out)
(appendo x x xx))]
[(fresh (x y)
(appendo x `(I I I . ,y) in)
(appendo x `(U . ,y) out))]
[(fresh (x y)
(appendo x `(U U . ,y) in)
(appendo x y out))]
[(fresh (tmp)
(muo in tmp)
(muo tmp out))])))
; (map print (run 5 (q) (muo '(M I) q)))
; (map print (run 5 (q) (muo '(M I U) q)))
; (map print (run 5 (q) (muo '(M U I I I U) q)))
; (map print (run 5 (q) (muo '(I I I) q)))
; (map print (run 5 (q) (muo '(M U U U) q)))
; (map print (run 20 (q) (muo '(M I) q)))
(map print (run 1 (q) (muo '(M I) '(M U))))
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