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Created March 20, 2014 00:10
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(ns turel.core
(:refer-clojure :exclude [==])
(:use clojure.core.logic))
(defn not-membero
[x l]
(conde [(emptyo l)]
[(fresh [head tail]
(conso head tail l)
(!= head x)
(not-membero x tail))]))
(defn turing-ruleo
[rules state-in tape-in-val rule-out]
(fresh [rule rules-rest write-val dir state-new]
(conso rule rules-rest rules)
(conde [(== [state-in tape-in-val write-val dir state-new] rule)
(== rule-out [write-val dir state-new])]
[(turing-ruleo rules-rest state-in tape-in-val rule-out)])))
(defn turing-directiono
[dir tape-in tape-out]
(fresh [tape-in-l tape-in-val tape-in-r]
(== [tape-in-l tape-in-val tape-in-r] tape-in)
(conde [(== dir :r)
(fresh [tape-new-l tape-new-val tape-new-r]
(conde [(== tape-in-val :_)
(emptyo tape-in-l)
(emptyo tape-new-l)]
[(conso tape-in-val tape-in-l tape-new-l)])
(conde [(firsto tape-in-r tape-new-val)
(resto tape-in-r tape-new-r)]
[(== tape-new-val :_)
(emptyo tape-in-r)
(emptyo tape-new-r)])
(== tape-out [tape-new-l tape-new-val tape-new-r]))]
[(== dir :l)
(fresh [tape-new-l tape-new-val tape-new-r]
(conde [(== tape-in-val :_)
(emptyo tape-in-r)
(emptyo tape-new-r)]
[(conso tape-in-val tape-in-r tape-new-r)])
(conde [(firsto tape-in-l tape-new-val)
(resto tape-in-l tape-new-l)]
[(== tape-new-val :_)
(emptyo tape-in-l)
(emptyo tape-new-l)])
(== tape-out [tape-new-l tape-new-val tape-new-r]))]
[(== dir :n)
(== tape-out tape-in)])))
; note: tape is a 3-tuple [[tape-left...] tape-val [tape-right...]]
; tape-left and tape-right are vectors
; tape-left is inverted, so a value of [[:0 :1] :0 [:1 :1]] actually
; represents the tape [:1 :0 :0 :1 :1]
(defn turing-machineo
[rules accept-states state-in tape-in state-out tape-out]
(fresh [tape-in-l tape-in-val tape-in-r
write-val dir state-new
(conde [(== state-out state-in)
(== tape-out tape-in)
(membero state-in accept-states)]
[(== tape-in [tape-in-l tape-in-val tape-in-r])
(not-membero state-in accept-states)
(turing-ruleo rules state-in tape-in-val [write-val dir state-new])
(turing-directiono dir [tape-in-l write-val tape-in-r] tape-new)
(turing-machineo rules accept-states state-new tape-new state-out tape-out)])))
; generate a partial hello world machine
; unfortunately this causes an OutOfMemoryError where java runs out of heap space
(run 1 [q]
(turing-machineo q [42] 1 [[] :_ []] 42 [[] :_ [:l :l :o]]))
; which is really confusing, because it works just fine for this rule set
(def hello-rules
[[1 :_ :o :l 2]
[2 :_ :l :l 3]
[3 :_ :l :l 42]])
(run 1 [q]
(turing-machineo hello-rules [42] 1 [[] :_ []] 42 [[] :_ [:l :l :o]]))
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Oregu commented Mar 24, 2014

No OutOfMemory here, 5 sec and I have the answer.

user=> (time (doall (run 1 [q]   
           (turing-machineo q [42] 1 [[] :_ []] 42 [[] :_ [:l :l :o]]))))
"Elapsed time: 4873.721118 msecs"
((([1 :_ :o :l _0] [_0 :_ :l :l _1] [_1 :_ :l :l 42] . _2)  
  :- (!= (_1 42)) (!= (_0 42))))

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