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Created November 27, 2014 10:36
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AngularJS $http Decorator with a Fluent Cancellation API
(function (angular) {
"use strict";
* `app` usually should be the module defined by your root scope.
* @type @exp;angular@call;module
var app = angular.module("app", [/* your app dependencies */]);
function ($provide) {
$provide.decorator("$http", function ($delegate, $q) {
var request = (function () {
var baseUrl = "YOUR_BASE_URL";
var servicesPath = baseUrl + "PATH_TO_SERVICES/";
var cancellationService = servicesPath + "CANCELLATION_SERVICE_NAME.svc/METHOD_NAME";
return {
key: (function () {
* @param {Boolean} s If truthy indicates the middle part is to be generated.
* @see
* @returns {String}
function _p8(s) {
var p = (Math.random().toString(16) + "000000000").substr(2, 8);
return s ? "-" + p.substr(0, 4) + "-" + p.substr(4, 4) : p;
var localID = 100;
var sessionID = _p8() + _p8(true) + _p8(true) + _p8().substr(0, 5);
* Request ID generator.
* @returns {String} A GUID-format string that serves as a request ID and cancellation token.
return function () {
// maintained at 3 digits.
localID = ++localID > 999 ? 101 : localID;
return sessionID + localID;
// Map from request ID to an object that contains a promise that will cancel it on resolution.
track: {},
servicesPath: function () {
return servicesPath;
cancellationService: function () {
return cancellationService;
var $http = function (config) {
if (!config || !config.hasOwnProperty("url")) {
throw new Error("Failed to initiate request: config object is invalid.");
var cancellation = $q.defer(), id = request.key();
request.track[id] = {
cancellation: cancellation
config.hasOwnProperty("headers") || (config.headers = {});
config.headers['request-id'] = id;
config.timeout = cancellation.promise;
var response = $, config);
var conclude = function () {
request.track.hasOwnProperty(id) && delete request.track[id];
// Overriding the default response methods.
var _success = response.success, _error = response.error;
var _then = response.then, _catch = response.catch, _finally = response.finally;
response.success = function (fn) {
return, function () {
angular.isFunction(fn) && fn.apply(null, arguments);
response.error = function (fn) {
return, function () {
angular.isFunction(fn) && fn.apply(null, arguments);
response.then = function (successFn, errorFn) {
return, function () {
angular.isFunction(successFn) && successFn.apply(null, arguments);
}, function () {
angular.isFunction(errorFn) && errorFn.apply(null, arguments);
response.catch = function (fn) {
return, function () {
angular.isFunction(fn) && fn.apply(null, arguments);
response.finally = function (fn) {
return, function () {
angular.isFunction(fn) && fn.apply(null, arguments);
// Adding cancellation interfaces to the response promise.
response.cancel = function () {
if (request.track.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
* Because cancellation on server-side may throw,
* thus returning a 500 status code, whereas what is
* desired is a clean "request cancelled", first
* cancel on client-side before sending cancellation request to server.
request.track[id].cancellation.resolve("Request was cancelled.");
delete request.track[id];
* At this point it's fine to message server that the
* task with ID, id, should be cancelled. If the server
* throws, client won't notice.
$, {
taskID: id
response.cancelAll = function () {
Object.keys(request.track).forEach(function (id) {
if (request.track.hasOwnProperty(id)) {
request.track[id].cancellation.resolve("Request was cancelled.");
delete request.track[id];
$, {
taskID: id
return response;
// Making default $http properties available.
Object.keys($delegate).forEach(function (property) {
angular.isFunction($http[property]) || ($http[property] = $delegate[property]);
// Implementing short methods
["delete", "head", "jsonp"].forEach(function (method) {
$http[name] = function (url, config) {
return $http(angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: name,
url: url
["post", "put", "patch"].forEach(function (method) {
$http[method] = function (url, data, config) {
return $http(angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: method,
url: url,
data: data
$http.get = function (url, config) {
// Quick and simple check for static html request.
// Based on heuristics, it's best if requests for templates are
// not interferred with, they should directly use original implementation.
var templateRequest = config.url.substring(config.url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).indexOf(".htm") !== -1;
return (templateRequest ? $delegate : $http)(angular.extend(config || {}, {
method: name,
url: url
// Adding a service call convenience method.
$http.service = function (path, data) {
var bits = path.trim().split(/\//g);
if (bits.length < 2 || (bits.length > 2 || (bits[0] === "" || bits[1] === ""))) {
var eww = "Invalid path. Service path should be in the" +
" following form: `<SERVICE_NAME>/<METHOD>`";
throw new Error(eww);
var url = request.servicesPath + bits[0] + ".svc/" + bits[1];
return $, data);
return $http;
// add your other blocks as required e.g.:
// app.controller("your_controller, []);
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