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Last active December 20, 2019 14:40
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debugging a flask/elastic beanstalk app with gdb

debugging a flask app on elastic beanstalk with gdb

this gist contains several iterations of attempting to attach gdb to a flask/wsgi app running on elastic beanstalk. assumption: ssh access (requires setting a key in the config, and then get the IP address from EB console or EC2 instance list), and sudo.

tl;dr: simple working solution is to

  • write out the pid in /tmp/xpid

  • sleep in a while loop and wait until that file disappears to continue

  • meanwhile, visit the site, which will trigger the pid write: this is the pid of the forked handler which is handling this specific request. run sudo gdb

    • (gdb) attach <pid>
    • optionally set a useful breakpoint
    • continue
  • now remove /tmp/xpid

  • the app will continue, and any crashes will happen with gdb attached

the complication is that httpd forks a child per request (by default). answers on stackoverflow suggest changing httpd config so that there is only 1 PID target, but I wanted to leave the config alone.

other things attempted (in comments):

  • spawn gdbserver target the running pid. this didn't work, I think gdbserver sits and waits for a connection, then exits when the process itself does. I did not see a way to set a breakpoint w/out connecting from the gdb client side.
  • conditionless while loop, with a signal handler for SIGHUP to signal exit. I think this initially didn't work because there is no yield point for the signal to be checked; then I tried signal.pause, but that didn't work either -- the process just hung despite signalling (inside gdb w/ signal SIGHUP)
# from Flask/Elastic Beanstalk tutorial
def getinfo():
text = ''
pid = os.getpid()
text += f"<br>{pid}<br>"
#pmap = subprocess.check_output(['pmap', str(pid)]).decode('UTF-8')
#text += f"<details><summary>pmap output</summary><pre>{pmap}</pre></details>"
#pmap = subprocess.check_output(['pmap', str(pid)]).decode('UTF-8')
#text += f"<details><summary>pmap output</summary><pre>{pmap}</pre></details>"
return text
#cc = False
#def setOnSig(n, frame):
# global cc
# cc = True
#signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, setOnSig)
def index():
v_txt = ''
import os, time #, subprocess as sp
pargs = ['--attach', ':45657', str(os.getpid())]
v_txt += str(pargs)
v_txt += '<br>'
# stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, close_fds=True, shell=False)
#os.spawnl(os.P_NOWAIT, '/usr/bin/gdbserver', pargs)
open("/tmp/xpid", 'w').write(str(os.getpid()))
while os.path.isfile("/tmp/xpid"):
except Exception as exc:
v_txt += str(exc)
v_txt += '<br>'
import tiledb
v_txt += 1 #"<br><br>ver: {}<br><br>".format(tiledb.version.version)
except Exception as exc:
v_txt += str(exc)
import sys
v_txt += str(sys.path)
v_txt += "<br><br>"
#import pkgutil
#p = pkgutil.get_loader("tiledb")
import imp
v_txt += str(imp.find_module('tiledb'))
info = getinfo()
return header_text + say_hello() + v_txt + info + instructions + footer_text
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