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Last active March 4, 2022 20:05
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Step by step guide describing how to set up of Casperlabs Rust Validator Node on AWS from scratch using Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS AMI
Sources used:
- Discord
[✓] 1. Create casperlabs-validator security group that exposes the following ports to public:
- 7777 - for http access to the status endpoint: http://<IP Address>:7777/status.
- 34553 - to gossip with other nodes
[✓] 2. Launch a m5.xlarge using Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS AMI with 250 GB EBS volume, attach the casperlabs-validator security group to it
[✓] 3. Create an elastic IP and assign it to the instance
[✓] 4. Install Casperlabs node software
sudo apt install dnsutils
wget --content-disposition
sudo apt install ./casper-client_1.6.0-2465_amd64.deb
wget --content-disposition
sudo apt install ./casper-node_1.6.0-2465_amd64.deb
[✓] 5. Generate node keys
cd /etc/casper/validator_keys/
sudo casper-client keygen .
[✓] 6. Share public_key_hex with the Casperlabs team to get some tokens onto your account
cat /etc/casper/validator_keys/public_key_hex
[✓] 7. Set up pre-requisites for building contracts (needed to build the bid contract to bond to the network)
sudo apt purge --auto-remove cmake
wget -O - 2>/dev/null | gpg --dearmor - | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/kitware.gpg >/dev/null
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb focal main'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install cmake
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
sudo apt install libssl-dev
sudo apt install pkg-config
sudo apt install build-essential
[✓] 8. Build contracts
git clone git://
cd casper-node/
make setup-rs
make build-client-contracts -j
[✓] 9. Bond to the network
# Get an already bonded validator address from
cat /etc/casper/config.toml | grep known_addresses
sudo apt install jq
# Check your balance
casper-client get-state-root-hash --node-address | jq -r # get <STATE_ROOT_HASH>
casper-client query-state --node-address --key <PUBLIC_KEY_HEX> --state-root-hash <STATE_ROOT_HASH> | jq -r. # get <PURSE_UREF>
casper-client get-balance --node-address --purse-uref <PURSE_UREF> --state-root-hash <STATE_ROOT_HASH> | jq -r
# Make a bonding request
casper-client put-deploy \
--chain-name "<NETWORK_NAME>" \
--node-address "http://<BONDED_VALIDATOR_IP>:7777/" \
--secret-key "/etc/casper/validator_keys/secret_key.pem" \
--session-path "$HOME/casper-node/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/add_bid.wasm" \
--payment-amount 1000000000 \
--session-arg=public_key:"public_key='<PUBLIC_KEY_HEX>'" \
--session-arg=amount:"u512='<BID_AMOUNT>'" \ # put some unique number (to make it easier to identify your transaction later)
--session-arg=delegation_rate:"u64='10'" # change the delegation rate if you want to
# Check that you bonding request worked
casper-client get-deploy --node-address http://<BONDED_VALIDATOR_IP>:7777 <BONDING_DEPLOY_HASH> | jq .result.execution_results
# Query the auction info and look for your bid (unique bid amount)
casper-client get-auction-info --node-address http://<BONDED_VALIDATOR_IP>:7777
[✓] 10. Run the node
# Get the trusted hash value from an already bonded validator and update it in /etc/casper/config.toml
curl -s http://<BONDED_VALIDATOR_IP>:7777/status | jq .last_added_block_info.hash
# Update trusted_hash property at the top of the config file
sudo nano /etc/casper/config.toml
# Start the node
sudo systemctl start casper-node
# Observe the log, look for log messages with 'linear block'
tail -n100 -f /var/log/casper/casper-node.log
# Check if an already bonded validator sees your node among peers
curl -s http:/<BONDED_VALIDATOR_IP>:7777/status | jq .peers
# Check the node status, which will be unavailable at the beginning but will come online later. Wait for the following line in the log {"message":"started HTTP server","address":""}
curl -s
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3kynox commented Mar 4, 2022

Hello, bintray servers looks like to do not share anymore Debian packages.

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