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Ihor Vyshniakov ihorvyshniakov

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Как отправлять исходники в несколько репозиториев одной командой:
Создаем новый remote например "all"
git remote add "all" [email protected]:username/my-repo.git
и добавляем в него несколько адресов для пуша
git remote set-url --add --push "all" git@username/my-repo.git
git remote set-url --add --push "all" [email protected]:username/my-repo.git
Чтобы запушить сразу в два репозитория
apaskulin /
Created April 15, 2018 17:49
Tips and tricks for more formatting options in GitHub Markdown

Advanced Formatting in GitHub Markdown

GitHub Flavored Markdown lets you create useful documents in GitHub and GitHub Enterprise using .md files. Like other varieties of markdown, GitHub Markdown tries to be as readable as possible in its raw form, resulting in an intentionally limited set of formatting options. However, these options can feel restrictive when dealing with complex content.

Although GitHub Markdown strips out most HTML tags, here are a few tricks that can give you more flexibility when formatting your documents. These advanced formatting options can make your documents more useable, but they come at the expense of plain text readability, so use with caution.