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Created July 20, 2015 23:49
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Very simple script to convert a normal JS module to a RequireJS-compatible AMD module; intended for command-line usage, and integration into build systems.
#!/usr/bin/env node
/// Very simple script to convert a normal JS module to a RequireJS-compatible
/// AMD module; intended for command-line usage, and integration into build
/// systems.
/// Reads from stdin & writes to stdout; output can be piped to uglifyjs to
/// minify/compress the code.
/// Examples:
/// For CommonJS-style modules, this is usually sufficient:
/// node convert.js < input.js > output.js
/// For standalone JS scripts that export a single object/namespace:
/// node convert.js -export:$objectName < input.js > output.js
/// If your standalone JS script requires other scripts:
/// node convert.js -dep:package-name:$packageVar -export:$objectName < input.js > output.js
// Parse command-line
var deps = [], parms = [], exports = [];
process.argv.slice(2).forEach(function(arg) {
var split = arg.split(":");
if(split[0] === "--export") {
} else if(split[0] === "--dep") {
if(deps.length) {
deps = "['"+deps.join("', '")+"'], ";
if(parms.length) {
parms = parms.join(", ")+", ";
// Write header
process.stdout.write("define("+deps+"function("+parms+"require, exports, module) {\n");
// Dump stdin -> stdout
process.stdin.on('data', function(data) {
// Write footer
process.stdin.on('end', function() {
if(exports.length == 1) {
process.stdout.write("\treturn "+exports[0]+";\n");
} else {
exports.forEach(function(name) {
process.stdout.write("\tmodule.exports."+name+" = "+name+";\n");
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