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Last active January 24, 2018 05:16
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# Sex ratios 29-10-2016
# HMD data: illustrate Russian male mortality specifics
# Ilya Kashnitsky, [email protected]
# load required packages
library(dplyr) # version 0.5.0
library(ggplot2) # version 2.1.0
library(HMDHFDplus) # version 1.1.8
# Read HMD data directly into R
# please note! the arguments "ik_user_hmd" and "ik_pass_hmd" are my login credidantials
# at the website of Human Mortality Database, which are stored locally at my computer.
# In order to access the data, you need to create an account at
# and provide your own credidantials to the `readHMDweb()` function
# load LT for men, RUS and JPN
rus <- readHMDweb('RUS',"mltper_1x1",ik_user_hmd,ik_pass_hmd)
jpn <- readHMDweb('JPN',"mltper_1x1",ik_user_hmd,ik_pass_hmd)
# compare mortality rates for 2014
ru <- rus %>% filter(Year == 2014) %>% transmute(age=Age,rus=mx)
jp <- jpn %>% filter(Year == 2014) %>% transmute(age=Age,jpn=mx)
df <- left_join(jp,ru,'age') %>% mutate(ru_rate=rus/jpn)
# plot
gg <- ggplot(df, aes(age,ru_rate)) +
geom_hline(yintercept = 1, color = 'red') +
geom_line(aes(group=1)) +
theme_minimal(base_size = 15) +
scale_y_continuous('mortality rate ratio',
breaks = 0:10, labels = 0:10, limits = c(0, 10)) +
annotate('text',x=c(0, 55), y = c(1.75,5), label = c('Japan','Russia'),
color = c('red','black'), hjust = 0, vjust = 1, size = 7) +
ggtitle('Compare age-specific mortality of males\nRussia and Japan, 2014, HMD')
ggsave('male_mortality_compare.png', gg, width = 10, height = 7, type = 'cairo-png')
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