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Last active August 11, 2021 17:04
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Lab script prepared for MPIDR IDEM 181 course on data visualization with R. More info on the course:
# 2017-06-22
# Creating maps with ggplot2
# Lab script prepared for MPIDR IDEM 181 course on data visualization with R
# More info on the course:
# Ilya Kashnitsky, [email protected]
# load required packages
library(tidyverse) # data manipulation and viz
library(lubridate) # easy manipulations with dates
library(ggthemes) # themes for ggplot2
library(viridis) # the best color palette
library(forcats) # good for dealing with factors
library(stringr) # good for dealing with text strings
library(rgdal) # deal with shapefiles
library(tmap) # this is a useful package; we take it for read_shape()
# there is quite a useful cheatsheet for the package
# let's try to search
search_eurostat("life expectancy") %>% View
# Not nearly as cool as we'd like
# better go to
# OR
# download the dataset found manually
df <- get_eurostat("demo_r_mlifexp")
# if the automated download does not work, the data can be grabbed manually at
# time series length
df$time %>% unique()
# ages
df$age %>% unique()
# subset (filter) only life exp at birth
e0 <- df %>% filter(age=="Y_LT1", nchar(paste(geo))==4) %>%
# Download geodata
# Eurostat official shapefiles for regions
# geodata will be stored in a directory "geodata"
paste("Directory already exists"))
f <- tempfile()
download.file("", destfile = f)
unzip(f, exdir = "geodata/.")
NUTS_raw <- read_shape("geodata/NUTS_2013_20M_SH/data/NUTS_RG_20M_2013.shp")
# there are several shapefiles; we chose the one that contains NUTS codes
# the same operation using rgdal::readOGR
# NUTS_raw <- readOGR("geodata/NUTS_2013_20M_SH/data/NUTS_RG_20M_2013.shp")
# attributive table
NUTS_raw@data %>% View
# colnames to lower case
names(NUTS_raw@data) <- tolower(names(NUTS_raw@data))
NUTS_raw@data %>% View
# let's have a look
# change coordinate system to LAEA Europe (EPSG:3035)
epsg3035 <- "+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs"
NUTS <- spTransform(NUTS_raw, CRS(epsg3035))
# now
# Much better!
NUTS@data %>% View
NUTS0 <- NUTS[NUTS$stat_levl_==0,]
NUTS2 <- NUTS[NUTS$stat_levl_==2,]
# make the geodata ready for ggplot
gd2 <- fortify(NUTS2, region = "nuts_id")
# create a blank map
basemap <- ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = gd2,
aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
fill = "grey90",color = "grey90")+
coord_equal(ylim = c(1350000,5450000), xlim = c(2500000, 6600000))+
theme(panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",size = .5,fill = NA),
legend.position = c(1, 1),
legend.justification = c(1, 1),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = NA),
legend.title = element_text(size = 15),
legend.text = element_text(size = 15))+
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)
# let's add neighbouring countries
f <- tempfile()
download.file("", destfile = f)
unzip(f, exdir = "geodata/.")
WORLD <- read_shape("geodata/CNTR_2010_20M_SH/CNTR_2010_20M_SH/Data/CNTR_RG_20M_2010.shp")
WORLD@data %>% View
# colnames to lower case
names(WORLD@data) <- tolower(names(WORLD@data))
# filter only Europe and the neighbouring countries
eu_subset <- c("AT", "BE", "BG", "CH", "CZ", "DE", "DK",
"EE", "EL", "ES", "FI", "FR", "HU", "IE", "IS", "IT", "LT", "LV",
"NL", "NO", "PL", "PT", "SE", "SI", "SK", "UK", "IM", "FO", "GI",
"LU", "LI", "AD", "MC", "MT", "VA", "SM", "HR", "BA", "ME", "MK",
"AL", "RS", "RO", "MD", "UA", "BY", "RU", "TR", "CY", "EG", "LY",
"TN", "DZ", "MA", "GG", "JE")
EU <- WORLD[WORLD$cntr_id %in% eu_subset,]
# reproject the shapefile to a pretty projection for mapping Europe
NEIGH <- spTransform(EU, CRS(epsg3035))
plot(NEIGH) # nice!
# create a blank map
basemap <- ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = fortify(NEIGH),
aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
fill = "grey90",color = "grey90")+
coord_equal(ylim = c(1350000,5450000), xlim = c(2500000, 6600000))+
theme(panel.border = element_rect(color = "black",size = .5,fill = NA),
legend.position = c(1, 1),
legend.justification = c(1, 1),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = NA),
legend.title = element_text(size = 15),
legend.text = element_text(size = 15))+
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand = c(0,0)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)
# Ready to play!
basemap +
geom_map(map = gd2, data = e0,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
# better colors
basemap +
geom_map(map = gd2, data = e0,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B")
# What's wrong?
# remove the overseas region's data
gd2c <- gd2 %>% filter(long %>% between(2500000, 6600000),
lat %>% between(1350000,5450000)) %>%
geom_map(map = gd2, data = e0,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B")+
expand_limits(x = gd2$long, y = gd2$lat)+
# only core Europe
basemap +
geom_map(map = gd2c, data = e0,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B")
# What else is forgotten?
# we forgot about sex!
basemap +
geom_map(map = gd2c, data = e0 %>% filter(year(time)==2015, sex=="T"),
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", direction = -1)
basemap +
geom_map(map = gd2c, data = e0 %>% filter(year(time)==2015),
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", direction = -1)+
facet_wrap(~sex, ncol = 3)+
theme(legend.position = "right")
# A PROBLEM: nested polygons
# let's crop Czech Republic
gdcz <- gd2c %>% filter(str_sub(id, 1, 2)=="CZ")
base_cz <- ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = gdcz,
aes(x = long, y = lat, group = group),
fill = "grey90",color = "grey10")+
# a subset of e0 for both sex in 2015
e0t2015 <- e0 %>% filter(year(time)==2015, sex=="T") %>%
base_cz +
geom_map(map = gdcz, data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
# There is no Prague!
# The not-so-elegant solution; comes from SO
gghole <- function(fort){
poly <- fort[fort$id %in% fort[fort$hole,]$id,]
hole <- fort[!fort$id %in% fort[fort$hole,]$id,]
out <- list(poly,hole)
names(out) <- c('poly','hole')
# now plot the subsets one by one as separate layers: first the polygons with
# holes, then polygons without holes
base_cz +
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[1]], data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
base_cz +
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[2]], data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
base_cz +
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[1]], data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[2]], data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
# What about the color range?
e0t2015$values %>% range
# a subset of e0 for both sex in Czech Rep in 2015
e0t2015cz <- e0 %>% filter(year(time)==2015,
str_sub(geo, 1, 2)=="CZ") %>%
e0t2015cz$values %>% range
base_cz +
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[1]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[2]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
# of course, this solutions makes the proces longer
gdcz_joined <- left_join(gdcz, e0t2015, c("id" = "geo"))
A = ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = gghole(gdcz_joined)[[1]],
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group, fill = values))+
geom_polygon(data = gghole(gdcz_joined)[[2]],
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group, fill = values))+
expand_limits(x = gdcz_joined$long, y = gdcz_joined$lat)+
B = ggplot()+
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[1]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[2]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
expand_limits(x = gdcz$long, y = gdcz$lat)+
C = base_cz +
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[1]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[2]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
D = ggplot() +
geom_map(map = gdcz, data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
expand_limits(x = gdcz$long, y = gdcz$lat)+
E = base_cz +
geom_map(map = gdcz, data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
times = 10
# A small challenge now: map the TFR of one country of Europe
# animation
# we also need one prog that proceeds animation
# some more
# Thank you guys from SO!
magickPath <- shortPathName("C:\\Program Files\\ImageMagick-7.0.3-Q16\\magick.exe")
gg <- basemap +
geom_map(map = gghole(gd2c)[[1]], data = e0 %>% filter(sex=="T"),
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values, frame = time))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gd2c)[[2]], data = e0 %>% filter(sex=="T"),
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values, frame = time))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", direction = -1)
gganimate(gg, "output.gif")
# The result stored online
# A bit of magic: interactive plots with PLOTLY
# let's create a basic plot
q <- qplot(data = mtcars, hp, mpg, color = cyl %>% factor)
# now, magic
# let's try with maps
gg_cz <- base_cz +
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[1]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gdcz)[[2]], data = e0t2015cz,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))
pl_cz <- ggplotly(gg_cz)
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(pl_cz, "cz-ggplotly.html")
# a more complicated map
gg_eu <- basemap +
geom_map(map = gghole(gd2c)[[1]], data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
geom_map(map = gghole(gd2c)[[2]], data = e0t2015,
aes(map_id = geo, fill = values))+
scale_fill_viridis(option = "B", direction = -1)
pl_eu <- ggplotly(gg_eu, width = 8, height = 8)
htmlwidgets::saveWidget(pl_eu, "eu-ggplotly.html")
# The US
ifelse(!dir.exists('data'),dir.create('data'),paste("Directory already exists"))
# download unemployment data for the US counties
url <- ""
download.file(url = url, destfile = 'data/us_unemp.xls', mode="wb")
# read the data
readxl::excel_sheets(path = 'data/us_unemp.xls')
df_us <- readxl::read_excel(path = 'data/us_unemp.xls',
sheet = "Unemployment Med HH Inc", skip = 9)
# Let us clean the dataset a bit.
names(df_us) %<>% tolower()
df_us %<>% select(1:6, contains('rate'))
# Download geodata
f <- tempfile()
download.file("", destfile = f)
unzip(f, exdir = "geodata/.")
US <- readOGR("geodata/.", "gz_2010_us_050_00_20m")
# reproject
US_prj <- spTransform(US, CRS('+init=epsg:2163'))
names(US_prj@data) %<>% str_to_lower()
US_prj@data %<>% mutate(id = str_sub(geo_id,10,14))
row.names(US_prj) <- US_prj$id
# Careful now!
# Transform Alaska and Hawaii to fit in the map. The solution found at
alaska <- US_prj[US_prj$state=="02",]
alaska <- elide(alaska, rotate=-36)
alaska <- elide(alaska, scale=max(apply(bbox(alaska), 1, diff)) / 2.5)
alaska <- elide(alaska, shift=c(-2500000, -2200000))
proj4string(alaska) <- proj4string(US_prj)
hawaii <- US_prj[US_prj$state=="15",]
hawaii <- elide(hawaii, rotate=-35)
hawaii <- elide(hawaii, shift=c(5100000, -1300000))
proj4string(hawaii) <- proj4string(US_prj)
US_prj <- US_prj[!US_prj$state %in% c("02","15","72"),]
US_prj <- rbind(US_prj, alaska, hawaii)
# fortify
gd_county <- fortify(US_prj, region = 'id')
# Now do the same for the states shapefile.
f <- tempfile()
download.file("", destfile = f)
unzip(f, exdir = "geodata/.")
US_st <- readOGR("geodata/.", "gz_2010_us_040_00_20m")
# reproject geodata
US_st_prj <- spTransform(US_st, CRS('+init=epsg:2163'))
names(US_st_prj@data) <- str_to_lower(names(US_st_prj@data))
row.names(US_st_prj) <- paste(US_st_prj$state)
alaska_st <- US_st_prj[US_st_prj$state=="02",]
alaska_st <- elide(alaska_st, rotate=-36)
alaska_st <- elide(alaska_st, scale=max(apply(bbox(alaska_st), 1, diff)) / 2.5)
alaska_st <- elide(alaska_st, shift=c(-2500000, -2200000))
proj4string(alaska_st) <- proj4string(US_st_prj)
hawaii_st <- US_st_prj[US_st_prj$state=="15",]
hawaii_st <- elide(hawaii_st, rotate=-35)
hawaii_st <- elide(hawaii_st, shift=c(5100000, -1300000))
proj4string(hawaii_st) <- proj4string(US_st_prj)
US_st_prj <- US_st_prj[!US_st_prj$state %in% c("02","15","72"),]
US_st_prj <- rbind(US_st_prj, alaska_st, hawaii_st)
# fortify
gd_state <- fortify(US_st_prj, region = 'state')
# Identifying state borders
# To plot a nice map at county level, we need to identify states' borders as a
# ployline object from the polygon object. To do this I wrote a special function
# using a solution from an SO answer
identify_borders <- function(SPolyDF){
borders <- gDifference(
df <- data.frame(len = sapply(1:length(borders), function(i) gLength(borders[i, ])))
rownames(df) <- sapply(1:length(borders), function(i) borders@lines[[i]]@ID)
SLDF <- SpatialLinesDataFrame(borders, data = df)
US_st_borders <- identify_borders(US_st_prj)
gd_state_borders <- fortify(US_st_borders)
# Finally, it would be nice to plot major cities.
f <- tempfile()
download.file("", destfile = f)
paste("Directory already exists"))
untar(f, exdir = "geodata/us_cities/.")
# doe to some win7 bug I had to do this step manually
cities <- readOGR(dsn = 'geodata/us_cities', layer = 'citiesx020')
cities_sub <- cities[cities$FEATURE %in% c("State Capital","State Capital County Seat") | cities$POP_RANGE %in% c("1,000,000 - 9,999,999","500,000 - 999,999"),]
cities_sub@data <- cities_sub@data %>% droplevels()
proj4string(cities_sub) <- CRS('+proj=longlat')
cities_prj <- spTransform(cities_sub, CRS('+init=epsg:2163'))
gd_cities <- data.frame(cities_prj) %>%
transmute(id = CITIESX020, long = coords.x1, lat = coords.x2,
name = NAME, fips = FIPS, state = STATE,
huge = POP_RANGE %in% c("1,000,000 - 9,999,999","500,000 - 999,999"),
capital = FEATURE %in% c("State Capital","State Capital County Seat"))
# adjust positions for Juneau (AK) and Honolulu (HI)
gd_cities[gd_cities$state=='AK','long'] <- -1270000
gd_cities[gd_cities$state=='AK','lat'] <- -2030000
gd_cities[gd_cities$state=='HI','long'] <- -775000
gd_cities[gd_cities$state=='HI','lat'] <- -1900000
save(gd_state_borders, gd_state, gd_county, gd_cities,
file = 'geodata/us_geodata.RData')
### Create templates for maps: one each for continious and discrete scales
basemap_cont <- ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = gd_county,
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), fill='grey50')+
guides(fill = guide_colorbar(barwidth = 1, barheight = 10))+
coord_equal(xlim = c(-2100000,3300000),ylim = c(-2400000,800000),
expand = c(0,0))+
theme(panel.border=element_rect(color = 'black',size=.5,fill = NA),
legend.position = c(1, 0),
legend.justification = c(1, 0),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = 'grey95'),
legend.title = element_text(size=15),
legend.text = element_text(size=15))+
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)
basemap_disc <- ggplot()+
geom_polygon(data = gd_county,
aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group), fill='grey50')+
coord_equal(xlim = c(-2100000,3300000),ylim = c(-2400000,800000),
expand = c(0,0))+
theme(panel.border=element_rect(color = 'black',size=.5,fill = NA),
legend.position = c(1, 0),
legend.justification = c(1, 0),
legend.background = element_rect(colour = NA, fill = 'grey95'),
legend.title = element_text(size=15),
legend.text = element_text(size=15))+
scale_x_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
scale_y_continuous(expand=c(0,0)) +
labs(x = NULL, y = NULL)
### Map of unemployment rates in 2015
basemap_cont +
geom_map(map = gd_county, data = df_us,
aes(map_id=fipstxt, fill=unemployment_rate_2015))+
geom_path(data = gd_state_borders, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color='grey50', size = .5)+
geom_point(data = gd_cities %>% filter(capital==T, huge==F),
aes(x=long, y=lat), color = 'red', size = 3, pch=1)+
geom_point(data = gd_cities %>% filter(capital==T, huge==T),
aes(x=long, y=lat), color = 'red', size = 5, pch=1)+
geom_point(data = gd_cities %>% filter(capital==F, huge==T),
aes(x=long, y=lat), color = 'gold', size = 5, pch=1)+
scale_fill_gradientn('Unemployment\nrate, %\n',
colours = viridis(100), trans = 'log',
breaks = c(2,5,10,20))
### Map of urban-rural classification
basemap_disc +
geom_map(map = gd_county, data = df_us,
aes(map_id=fipstxt, fill=factor(rural_urban_continuum_code_2013)))+
geom_path(data = gd_state_borders, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group),
color='grey50', size = .5)+
option = 'B', discrete = T, direction = -1)+
geom_point(data = gd_cities %>% filter(capital==T, huge==F),
aes(x=long, y=lat), color = 'red', size = 3, pch=1)+
geom_point(data = gd_cities %>% filter(capital==T, huge==T),
aes(x=long, y=lat), color = 'red', size = 5, pch=1)+
geom_point(data = gd_cities %>% filter(capital==F, huge==T),
aes(x=long, y=lat), color = 'purple4', size = 5, pch=1)
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