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Created June 5, 2023 13:02
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Extract endpoints from OpenAPI YAML file
const fs = require('fs');
const yaml = require('js-yaml');
function listEndpoints(openapiFile) {
try {
const openapiData = yaml.safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(openapiFile, 'utf8'));
const paths = openapiData.paths || {};
const endpoints = [];
for (const path in paths) {
const methods = paths[path];
for (const method in methods) {
const endpoint = `${method.toUpperCase()} ${path}`;
return endpoints;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error loading OpenAPI file: ${error}`);
return [];
// Usage example
const openapiFile = 'your-openapi.yaml';
const endpoints = listEndpoints(openapiFile);
for (const endpoint of endpoints) {
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ikenna commented Jun 5, 2023

To use this script, replace 'your-openapi.yaml' with the path to your actual OpenAPI YAML file. The script uses the fs module to read the file, js-yaml to parse the YAML data, and then iterates over the paths section to extract the endpoints in the format HTTP_METHOD PATH. Finally, it prints each endpoint.

Make sure you have the js-yaml package installed before running the script. You can install it using npm install js-yaml.

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polarathene commented Sep 15, 2024

You can use the yq CLI tool as another way which can be simpler in this case (you only need to change the yaml filename):

# Take the array items of paths then output each path key (an endpoint) with an array of it's keys (methods):
yq '.paths[] | {key: keys}' your-openapi.yaml

For example on the Docker Engine API:

# ...
  - delete
  - head
  - get
  - put
  - post
  - get
  - post
# ...

If you need another output format like JSON you can use -o json 👍

The above may not be as friendly if you need an object with standard keys to query.

A more complex example that outputs an array of objects with an additional id field that better identifies the endpoint:

# Entire yq expression wrapped with `[` + `]` for a top-level array
# Each paths element creates an object with `endpoint` + `methods` keys
# Each `methods` key has an array of objects for the method kind and associated id
# Added example of uppercase conversion.
# NOTE: `|` is the pipe operator, similar to `map()` in JS. I used it more extensively here and with nested contexts.
# `.` refers to the data piped in, `.[]` is for selecting all direct array elements, `key` refers to the current key (within the scope of the pipe).
yq '[.paths[] | {"endpoint": key, "methods": [.[] | {"kind": key | upcase, "id": .operationId}] }]' api.yaml

Output example:

# ...
- endpoint: /secrets
    - kind: GET
      id: "SecretList"
- endpoint: /secrets/create
    - kind: POST
      id: "SecretCreate"
- endpoint: /secrets/{id}
    - kind: GET
      id: "SecretInspect"
    - kind: DELETE
      id: "SecretDelete"
- endpoint: /secrets/{id}/update
    - kind: POST
      id: "SecretUpdate"
# ...
With `yq -o=json` for JSON output
// ...
    "endpoint": "/secrets",
    "methods": [
        "kind": "GET",
        "id": "SecretList"
    "endpoint": "/secrets/create",
    "methods": [
        "kind": "POST",
        "id": "SecretCreate"
    "endpoint": "/secrets/{id}",
    "methods": [
        "kind": "GET",
        "id": "SecretInspect"
        "kind": "DELETE",
        "id": "SecretDelete"
    "endpoint": "/secrets/{id}/update",
    "methods": [
        "kind": "POST",
        "id": "SecretUpdate"
// ...

yq starts to be less pleasant the more complex the expression gets, especially if you need more flexibility there the approach with JS is easier to grok :)

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polarathene commented Sep 17, 2024

This might be of interest for anyone landing here too.

yq + qsv + csview - Extract to CSV + markdown table output

Using the same Docker OpenAPI document (direct YAML link) as before, here is a way to extract the desired data with yq and do some extra processing with qsv to format it:

# yq will filter and format the data into an array of values we want from the input
# The comments within the string value are safe to copy/paste as a shell command.
# yq outputs CSV for qsv to then adds the column headers and sort by column order.
# csview then renders this out in the preferred style such as formatted markdown.
yq -o=csv '.paths[] | .[] | [
  .tags | join(" "), # An array, can be used to assign the endpoint to a group
  (parent | key),    # The URL path for this endpoint
  key | upcase,      # The HTTP method uppercased `get => GET`
  .operationId       # Unique identifier for the endpoint
]' api.yaml \
| qsv rename --no-headers GROUP,PATH,METHOD,ID \
| qsv sort \
| csview --style markdown

This will output a table like this:

Markdown output (rendered)
Config /configs GET ConfigList
Config /configs/create POST ConfigCreate
Config /configs/{id} DELETE ConfigDelete
Config /configs/{id} GET ConfigInspect
Config /configs/{id}/update POST ConfigUpdate
Container /containers/create POST ContainerCreate
Container /containers/json GET ContainerList
Container /containers/prune POST ContainerPrune
Container /containers/{id} DELETE ContainerDelete
Container /containers/{id}/archive GET ContainerArchive
Container /containers/{id}/archive HEAD ContainerArchiveInfo
Container /containers/{id}/archive PUT PutContainerArchive
Container /containers/{id}/attach POST ContainerAttach
Container /containers/{id}/attach/ws GET ContainerAttachWebsocket
Container /containers/{id}/changes GET ContainerChanges
Container /containers/{id}/export GET ContainerExport
Container /containers/{id}/json GET ContainerInspect
Container /containers/{id}/kill POST ContainerKill
Container /containers/{id}/logs GET ContainerLogs
Container /containers/{id}/pause POST ContainerPause
Container /containers/{id}/rename POST ContainerRename
Container /containers/{id}/resize POST ContainerResize
Container /containers/{id}/restart POST ContainerRestart
Container /containers/{id}/start POST ContainerStart
Container /containers/{id}/stats GET ContainerStats
Container /containers/{id}/stop POST ContainerStop
Container /containers/{id}/top GET ContainerTop
Container /containers/{id}/unpause POST ContainerUnpause
Container /containers/{id}/update POST ContainerUpdate
Container /containers/{id}/wait POST ContainerWait
Distribution /distribution/{name}/json GET DistributionInspect
Exec /containers/{id}/exec POST ContainerExec
Exec /exec/{id}/json GET ExecInspect
Exec /exec/{id}/resize POST ExecResize
Exec /exec/{id}/start POST ExecStart
Image /build POST ImageBuild
Image /build/prune POST BuildPrune
Image /commit POST ImageCommit
Image /images/create POST ImageCreate
Image /images/get GET ImageGetAll
Image /images/json GET ImageList
Image /images/load POST ImageLoad
Image /images/prune POST ImagePrune
Image /images/search GET ImageSearch
Image /images/{name} DELETE ImageDelete
Image /images/{name}/get GET ImageGet
Image /images/{name}/history GET ImageHistory
Image /images/{name}/json GET ImageInspect
Image /images/{name}/push POST ImagePush
Image /images/{name}/tag POST ImageTag
Network /networks GET NetworkList
Network /networks/create POST NetworkCreate
Network /networks/prune POST NetworkPrune
Network /networks/{id} DELETE NetworkDelete
Network /networks/{id} GET NetworkInspect
Network /networks/{id}/connect POST NetworkConnect
Network /networks/{id}/disconnect POST NetworkDisconnect
Node /nodes GET NodeList
Node /nodes/{id} DELETE NodeDelete
Node /nodes/{id} GET NodeInspect
Node /nodes/{id}/update POST NodeUpdate
Plugin /plugins GET PluginList
Plugin /plugins/create POST PluginCreate
Plugin /plugins/privileges GET GetPluginPrivileges
Plugin /plugins/pull POST PluginPull
Plugin /plugins/{name} DELETE PluginDelete
Plugin /plugins/{name}/disable POST PluginDisable
Plugin /plugins/{name}/enable POST PluginEnable
Plugin /plugins/{name}/json GET PluginInspect
Plugin /plugins/{name}/push POST PluginPush
Plugin /plugins/{name}/set POST PluginSet
Plugin /plugins/{name}/upgrade POST PluginUpgrade
Secret /secrets GET SecretList
Secret /secrets/create POST SecretCreate
Secret /secrets/{id} DELETE SecretDelete
Secret /secrets/{id} GET SecretInspect
Secret /secrets/{id}/update POST SecretUpdate
Service /services GET ServiceList
Service /services/create POST ServiceCreate
Service /services/{id} DELETE ServiceDelete
Service /services/{id} GET ServiceInspect
Service /services/{id}/logs GET ServiceLogs
Service /services/{id}/update POST ServiceUpdate
Session /session POST Session
Swarm /swarm GET SwarmInspect
Swarm /swarm/init POST SwarmInit
Swarm /swarm/join POST SwarmJoin
Swarm /swarm/leave POST SwarmLeave
Swarm /swarm/unlock POST SwarmUnlock
Swarm /swarm/unlockkey GET SwarmUnlockkey
Swarm /swarm/update POST SwarmUpdate
System /_ping GET SystemPing
System /_ping HEAD SystemPingHead
System /auth POST SystemAuth
System /events GET SystemEvents
System /info GET SystemInfo
System /system/df GET SystemDataUsage
System /version GET SystemVersion
Task /tasks GET TaskList
Task /tasks/{id} GET TaskInspect
Task /tasks/{id}/logs GET TaskLogs
Volume /volumes GET VolumeList
Volume /volumes/create POST VolumeCreate
Volume /volumes/prune POST VolumePrune
Volume /volumes/{name} DELETE VolumeDelete
Volume /volumes/{name} GET VolumeInspect
Volume /volumes/{name} PUT VolumeUpdate
Markdown output (raw)
|    GROUP     |            PATH            | METHOD |            ID            |
| Config       | /configs                   | GET    | ConfigList               |
| Config       | /configs/create            | POST    | ConfigCreate             |
| Config       | /configs/{id}              | DELETE  | ConfigDelete             |
| Config       | /configs/{id}              | GET     | ConfigInspect            |
| Config       | /configs/{id}/update       | POST    | ConfigUpdate             |
| Container    | /containers/create         | POST    | ContainerCreate          |
| Container    | /containers/json           | GET     | ContainerList            |
| Container    | /containers/prune          | POST    | ContainerPrune           |
| Container    | /containers/{id}           | DELETE  | ContainerDelete          |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/archive   | GET     | ContainerArchive         |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/archive   | HEAD    | ContainerArchiveInfo     |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/archive   | PUT     | PutContainerArchive      |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/attach    | POST    | ContainerAttach          |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/attach/ws | GET     | ContainerAttachWebsocket |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/changes   | GET     | ContainerChanges         |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/export    | GET     | ContainerExport          |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/json      | GET     | ContainerInspect         |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/kill      | POST    | ContainerKill            |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/logs      | GET     | ContainerLogs            |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/pause     | POST    | ContainerPause           |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/rename    | POST    | ContainerRename          |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/resize    | POST    | ContainerResize          |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/restart   | POST    | ContainerRestart         |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/start     | POST    | ContainerStart           |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/stats     | GET     | ContainerStats           |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/stop      | POST    | ContainerStop            |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/top       | GET     | ContainerTop             |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/unpause   | POST    | ContainerUnpause         |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/update    | POST    | ContainerUpdate          |
| Container    | /containers/{id}/wait      | POST    | ContainerWait            |
| Distribution | /distribution/{name}/json  | GET     | DistributionInspect      |
| Exec         | /containers/{id}/exec      | POST    | ContainerExec            |
| Exec         | /exec/{id}/json            | GET     | ExecInspect              |
| Exec         | /exec/{id}/resize          | POST    | ExecResize               |
| Exec         | /exec/{id}/start           | POST    | ExecStart                |
| Image        | /build                     | POST    | ImageBuild               |
| Image        | /build/prune               | POST    | BuildPrune               |
| Image        | /commit                    | POST    | ImageCommit              |
| Image        | /images/create             | POST    | ImageCreate              |
| Image        | /images/get                | GET     | ImageGetAll              |
| Image        | /images/json               | GET     | ImageList                |
| Image        | /images/load               | POST    | ImageLoad                |
| Image        | /images/prune              | POST    | ImagePrune               |
| Image        | /images/search             | GET     | ImageSearch              |
| Image        | /images/{name}             | DELETE  | ImageDelete              |
| Image        | /images/{name}/get         | GET     | ImageGet                 |
| Image        | /images/{name}/history     | GET     | ImageHistory             |
| Image        | /images/{name}/json        | GET     | ImageInspect             |
| Image        | /images/{name}/push        | POST    | ImagePush                |
| Image        | /images/{name}/tag         | POST    | ImageTag                 |
| Network      | /networks                  | GET     | NetworkList              |
| Network      | /networks/create           | POST    | NetworkCreate            |
| Network      | /networks/prune            | POST    | NetworkPrune             |
| Network      | /networks/{id}             | DELETE  | NetworkDelete            |
| Network      | /networks/{id}             | GET     | NetworkInspect           |
| Network      | /networks/{id}/connect     | POST    | NetworkConnect           |
| Network      | /networks/{id}/disconnect  | POST    | NetworkDisconnect        |
| Node         | /nodes                     | GET     | NodeList                 |
| Node         | /nodes/{id}                | DELETE  | NodeDelete               |
| Node         | /nodes/{id}                | GET     | NodeInspect              |
| Node         | /nodes/{id}/update         | POST    | NodeUpdate               |
| Plugin       | /plugins                   | GET     | PluginList               |
| Plugin       | /plugins/create            | POST    | PluginCreate             |
| Plugin       | /plugins/privileges        | GET     | GetPluginPrivileges      |
| Plugin       | /plugins/pull              | POST    | PluginPull               |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}            | DELETE  | PluginDelete             |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}/disable    | POST    | PluginDisable            |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}/enable     | POST    | PluginEnable             |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}/json       | GET     | PluginInspect            |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}/push       | POST    | PluginPush               |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}/set        | POST    | PluginSet                |
| Plugin       | /plugins/{name}/upgrade    | POST    | PluginUpgrade            |
| Secret       | /secrets                   | GET     | SecretList               |
| Secret       | /secrets/create            | POST    | SecretCreate             |
| Secret       | /secrets/{id}              | DELETE  | SecretDelete             |
| Secret       | /secrets/{id}              | GET     | SecretInspect            |
| Secret       | /secrets/{id}/update       | POST    | SecretUpdate             |
| Service      | /services                  | GET     | ServiceList              |
| Service      | /services/create           | POST    | ServiceCreate            |
| Service      | /services/{id}             | DELETE  | ServiceDelete            |
| Service      | /services/{id}             | GET     | ServiceInspect           |
| Service      | /services/{id}/logs        | GET     | ServiceLogs              |
| Service      | /services/{id}/update      | POST    | ServiceUpdate            |
| Session      | /session                   | POST    | Session                  |
| Swarm        | /swarm                     | GET     | SwarmInspect             |
| Swarm        | /swarm/init                | POST    | SwarmInit                |
| Swarm        | /swarm/join                | POST    | SwarmJoin                |
| Swarm        | /swarm/leave               | POST    | SwarmLeave               |
| Swarm        | /swarm/unlock              | POST    | SwarmUnlock              |
| Swarm        | /swarm/unlockkey           | GET     | SwarmUnlockkey           |
| Swarm        | /swarm/update              | POST    | SwarmUpdate              |
| System       | /_ping                     | GET     | SystemPing               |
| System       | /_ping                     | HEAD    | SystemPingHead           |
| System       | /auth                      | POST    | SystemAuth               |
| System       | /events                    | GET     | SystemEvents             |
| System       | /info                      | GET     | SystemInfo               |
| System       | /system/df                 | GET     | SystemDataUsage          |
| System       | /version                   | GET     | SystemVersion            |
| Task         | /tasks                     | GET     | TaskList                 |
| Task         | /tasks/{id}                | GET     | TaskInspect              |
| Task         | /tasks/{id}/logs           | GET     | TaskLogs                 |
| Volume       | /volumes                   | GET     | VolumeList               |
| Volume       | /volumes/create            | POST    | VolumeCreate             |
| Volume       | /volumes/prune             | POST    | VolumePrune              |
| Volume       | /volumes/{name}            | DELETE  | VolumeDelete             |
| Volume       | /volumes/{name}            | GET     | VolumeInspect            |
| Volume       | /volumes/{name}            | PUT     | VolumeUpdate             |

With qsv you can rearrange the columns, omit columns, etc quite easily.

Advanced processing with QSV

This example that transforms that same CSV output from yq to a filtered subset rearranged and sorted to different requirements:

# Same yq operation as before, but now qsv will filter rows of the GROUP column
# Then for any PATH values that have a URL parameter substring, replace it with `*`
# The METHOD and PATH columns are extracted via `select` with new column positions
# Instead of sorting by the 1st colum (METHOD), sort by 2nd colum (PATH)
# Finally `table` will output an unstyled table of the data, tail to remove headers
yq -o=csv '.paths[] | .[] | [
  .tags | join(" "), # An array, can be used to assign the endpoint to a group
  (parent | key),    # The URL path for this endpoint
  key | upcase,      # The HTTP method uppercased `get => GET`
  .operationId       # Unique identifier for the endpoint
]' api.yaml \
| qsv rename --no-headers GROUP,PATH,METHOD,ID \
| qsv search --ignore-case --literal --select GROUP secret \
| qsv replace --quiet --select PATH '\{.+\}' '*' \
| qsv select METHOD,PATH \
| qsv sort --select PATH \
| qsv table | tail -n +2

# Result:
GET     /secrets
GET     /secrets/*
DELETE  /secrets/*
POST    /secrets/*/update
POST    /secrets/create

That output is more aligned with the original JS example (extra processing aside).

Swapping qsv table | tail -n +2 for csview --style markdown we get the same data formatted for rendering:

GET /secrets
GET /secrets/*
DELETE /secrets/*
POST /secrets/*/update
POST /secrets/create

JS to yq port

The actual minimal equivalent for the JS example output would be:

# Output as space delimited strings:
yq '.paths[][] | (key|upcase) + " " + (parent|key)' api.yaml

# Result:
GET /secrets
POST /secrets/create
GET /secrets/{id}
DELETE /secrets/{id}
POST /secrets/{id}/update
# With QSV for better column aligned output, uses arrays with CSV output:
yq -o=csv '.paths[] | [.[] | [
  (key|upcase), # The HTTP method uppercased `get => GET`
  (parent|key)  # The URL path for this endpoint
]]' api.yaml | qsv table

# Result:
GET     /secrets
POST    /secrets/create
GET     /secrets/{id}
DELETE  /secrets/{id}
POST    /secrets/{id}/update

NOTE: Result outputs were filtered with grep secrets for brevity, unlike the prior advanced example which actually filtered results by specific column via qsv search.

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