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Last active December 29, 2015 13:57
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RSA bruteforcer
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
namespace BruteForceRSA
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
var processing = new Dictionary<PublicKey, BigInteger>
//Key > Decrypt value pairs
[new PublicKey(267, 5)] = 5,
[new PublicKey(287, 41)] = 41,
[new PublicKey(473, 23)] = 23,
[new PublicKey(511, 5)] = 5,
[new PublicKey(623, 7)] = 7,
[new PublicKey(851, 13)] = 13,
[new PublicKey(1037, 43)] = 43,
[new PublicKey(1079, 23)] = 23,
[new PublicKey(1081, 43)] = 43,
[new PublicKey(1157, 7)] = 7,
[new PublicKey(1333, 41)] = 41,
[new PublicKey(1643, 7)] = 7,
[new PublicKey(1679, 89)] = 89,
[new PublicKey(1679, 5)] = 5,
[new PublicKey(1909, 7)] = 7,
[new PublicKey(2491, 7)] = 7,
[new PublicKey(2813, 5)] = 5,
[new PublicKey(2867, 11)] = 11,
[new PublicKey(3053, 163)] = 163,
[new PublicKey(3337, 11)] = 11,
[new PublicKey(3403, 13)] = 13,
[new PublicKey(3431, 29)] = 29,
[new PublicKey(6497, 7)] = 7
foreach (var process in processing)
var privateKey = process.Key.GetPrivateKey();
Console.WriteLine($"{process.Key} => {privateKey} ; " +
$"encrypted: {process.Value} => decrypted: {privateKey?.Decrypt(process.Value)}");
#region Key structs
public struct PrivateKey
public PrivateKey(BigInteger prime1, BigInteger prime2, BigInteger keyValue) : this()
Prime1 = prime1;
Prime2 = prime2;
KeyValue = keyValue;
public BigInteger Prime1 { get; set; }
public BigInteger Prime2 { get; set; }
public BigInteger KeyValue { get; set; }
public BigInteger Modulus => Prime1*Prime2;
public BigInteger Decrypt(BigInteger c)
return BigInteger.ModPow(c, KeyValue, Modulus);
public PublicKey GetPublicKey()
BigInteger phi = (Prime1 - 1)*(Prime2 - 1);
BigInteger publicKeyValue;
for (BigInteger f = 0;; f += 2)
BigInteger tmp = f*phi + 1;
if (tmp%KeyValue != 0) continue;
publicKeyValue = tmp/KeyValue;
return new PublicKey {Modulus = Modulus, KeyValue = publicKeyValue};
public override string ToString()
return $"PrivateKey({Modulus}, {KeyValue}, (Primes: {Prime1}, {Prime2}))";
public struct PublicKey
public PublicKey(BigInteger modulus, BigInteger keyValue)
: this()
Modulus = modulus;
KeyValue = keyValue;
public BigInteger KeyValue { get; set; }
public BigInteger Modulus { get; set; }
private static IEnumerable<BigInteger> CalculatePrimes(BigInteger min, BigInteger max)
for (var test = min; test <= max; test++)
if (((Func<BigInteger, bool>) (n =>
if (n.IsEven) return false;
for (BigInteger t = 3; t < n / 2; t += 2)
if (n%t == 0)
return false;
return true;
yield return test;
public PrivateKey? GetPrivateKey(BigInteger minimumPrime)
var primes = CalculatePrimes(minimumPrime, Modulus/minimumPrime).ToList();
prime2 = 0;
var tmpThis = this;
if (
(prime1 =
primes.FirstOrDefault(p => (prime2 = primes.FirstOrDefault(q => p*q == tmpThis.Modulus)) != 0)) ==
return null;
var phi = (prime1 - 1)*(prime2 - 1);
BigInteger privateKeyValue;
for (BigInteger f = 0;; f += 2)
var tmp = f*phi + 1;
if (tmp%KeyValue != 0) continue;
privateKeyValue = tmp/KeyValue;
return new PrivateKey {KeyValue = privateKeyValue, Prime1 = prime1, Prime2 = prime2};
public PrivateKey? GetPrivateKey()
return GetPrivateKey(2);
public BigInteger Encrypt(BigInteger n)
return BigInteger.ModPow(n, KeyValue, Modulus);
public override string ToString()
return $"PublicKey({Modulus}, {KeyValue})";
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