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Created June 9, 2017 01:48
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Using Selenium Web driver from Clojure
(ns anpi-selenium.core
(:import org.openqa.selenium.By
;; Dependency: [org.seleniumhq.selenium/selenium-java "3.4.0"]
;;; Original Java Tutorial
;;; Google search box example
(let [driver (HtmlUnitDriver.)]
(.get driver "")
(let [el (.findElement driver (By/name "q"))]
(doto el
(.sendKeys (into-array ["Cheese!"]))
(let [title (.getTitle driver)]
(.quit driver)
;;; An example that requires javascript running
(let [driver (ChromeDriver.)]
(.get driver "")
(let [query (.findElement driver (By/name "q"))]
(.sendKeys query (into-array ["Cheese"]))
;;Figure out a more efficient way to wait for the render completion
(Thread/sleep 2000)
(let [suggestions (.findElements driver (By/xpath "//div[@class='sbqs_c']"))]
(doseq [s suggestions]
(prn (.getText s)))))
(.quit driver))
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