To install the needed components you can use Homebrew
Use Homebrew to install pandoc:
brew install pandoc
Then use Homebrew to install the PDFLaTex program.
brew install --cask basictex
You should now have all the needed components but it won't work until the pdflatex
executable is available in your PATH environment variable.
To configure this my technique is to sym link the executable to a directory already in my PATH.
ln -s -v /Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex /usr/local/bin/pdflatex
Now if I enter which pdflatex
on the command line the system responds:
And now I'm able to generate a PDF from my Markdown file with this command:
pandoc -s -o file.pdf
Pandoc will take your Markdown file, tranform it to TeX and then run it through the PDFLaTex program to output a PDF file.
Date: 2018-05-22
System info: MacBook Pro, macOS 10.13.4
Written with StackEdit
Should this not be using the --cask arg instead?
brew install --cask basictex