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Created March 10, 2014 20:51
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Save ilikenwf/9474062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Classic ASP - jQuery Datatables Serverside Implementation - Efficiency and SQL Parameterization
'By Matt Parnell <[email protected]>
'(C) 2013 Evangel University, all rights reserved
'By using this software, you agree to share all improvments and changes, and leave this licensing section intact
'Set oCMDInc = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
'oCMDInc.ActiveConnection = oConnPAdmin
'strVars = "DECLARE @X AS INT; SET @X = ?; "
'strCols = "ID,Foo,Bar,Baz"_
'strSQLBody = " FROM Table" '(joins can go here too)
'strSQLWhere = "WHERE 1=1 AND Cats = true "
'strSearchCols = "Bar,Baz" 'not required, just optional if you want certain columns specifically searchable.
'oCMDInc.Parameters.Append oCMDInc.CreateParameter("@X", adInteger, adParamInput, 8, 3382)
'outputDatatableJSON strVars, strCols, strSQLBody, strSQLWhere, strSearchCols, oCMDInc
'Outputs paginated, dynamic JSON for use by jQuery datatables
' if there isn't a WHERE clause, use WHERE 1=1 to avoid errors
' The first column in the selection list needs to be a valid column for ordering using ROW_NUMBER() OVER([first column])
public sub outputDatatableJSON(strVars, strCols, strSQLBody, strSQLWhere, strSearchCols, ByRef oCMDInc)
if len(strCols) > 0 and len(strSQLBody) > 0 then
'Datatables specific variables to query, echo, search, paginate, etc
if not isempty(request("sEcho")) then sEcho = Cint(Request("sEcho")) else sEcho = 0
if not isempty(request("iDisplayLength")) then iDisplayLength = Cint(Request("iDisplayLength")) else iDisplayLength = 10
if not isempty(request("iDisplayStart")) then iDisplayStart = Cint(Request("iDisplayStart")) else iDisplayStart = 0
if not isempty(request("sSearch")) then sSearch = Request("sSearch") else sSearch = ""
iTotalRecords = 0
iTotalDisplayRecords = 0
'get the number of columns (minus the num pagination column and the iTotalRows columns) we're selecting
intNumCols = UBound(split(strCols, ","))+1
'Needed for the ROW_NUMER OVER() call
strFirstCol = split(strCols, ",")(0)
'make sure we output as JSON
response.ContentType = "application/json"
'First, get iTotalRecords into a variable
strSQLInc = strVars & " SELECT COUNT(*) AS [iTotalDisplayRecords] " & strSQLBody & strWhere & ";"
'Get our totals and proceed if we have results
oCMDInc.CommandText = strSQLInc
set orsInc = oCMDInc.execute
if not orsInc.eof then
iTotalDisplayRecords = orsInc("iTotalDisplayRecords")
iTotalRecords = 0
iTotalDisplayRecords = 0
end if
if iTotalDisplayRecords > 0 then
'Append the search terms
if sSearch <> "" then
strVars = strVars & " DECLARE @SSEARCH AS VARCHAR(200); SET @SSEARCH = ?; "
addParam sSearch, true, oCMDInc
arrSearch = split(strSearchCols, ",")
i = 0
for each searchCol in arrSearch
if i = 0 then strClause = "AND" else strClause = "OR"
strSQLWhere = strSQLWhere & strClause & " (" & searchCol & " LIKE @SSEARCH) "
i = i + 1
end if
'get iTotalRecords
strSQLInc = strVars & "SELECT COUNT(*) AS [iTotalRecords] " & strSQLBody & strSQLWhere
oCMDInc.CommandText = strSQLInc
set orsInc = oCMDInc.execute
if not orsInc.eof then iTotalRecords = orsInc("iTotalRecords")
strOrderBy = ""
for k = 0 to (intNumCols)
if Request("bSortable_" & k) = "true" then
intSortCol = int(Request("iSortCol_" & k) + 1)
strSortDir = Request("sSortDir_" & k)
if not isempty(strSortDir) then strOrderBy = strOrderBy & intSortCol & " " & strSortDir
end if
if strOrderBy <> "" then strOrderBy = " ORDER BY " & strOrderBy
'Select the data and iTotalRecords
strSQLInc = strVars & "Set NOCOUNT ON; SELECT TOP " & iDisplayLength & " * FROM ( "_
& "SELECT " & strCols & ", ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY "&strFirstCol&") AS [num] " & strSQLBody & strSQLWhere
'Append the limitation for our pagination
strSQLInc = strSQLInc & ") T WHERE num > "& iDisplayStart & strOrderBy
'Run the query
oCMDInc.CommandText = strSQLInc
set orsInc = oCMDInc.execute
clearCmd oCMDInc
'If it isn't empty, get the total records, and pass the data into an array
if not orsInc.eof then
arrResults = orsInc.GetRows()
arrResults = ""
end if
end if
'output the JSON
if iTotalDisplayRecords > 0 and isarray(arrResults) then
For i = LBound(arrResults, 2) To UBound(arrResults, 2)
if i > 0 then response.write ","
strThisDataPoint = ""
for z = 0 to (intNumCols -1)
strThisDataPoint = toUnicode(arrResults(z, i))
if z > 0 then response.write ","
response.write """" & strThisDataPoint & """"
Erase arrResults
end if
end if
end sub
'Adds a parameter based on it's type
sub addParam(value, ByRef bIsSearch, ByRef oCMDInc) 'we pass byref because we don't need copies
limit = 52 'sane value for the parameters, since user entry
if bIsSearch then theValue = "%" & value & "%" else theValue = value
if not isnull(theValue) and not isempty(theValue) then
if not bIsSearch and isnumeric(theValue) then
oCMDInc.Parameters.Append oCMDInc.CreateParameter("@SearchValue", adInteger, adParamInput, limit, theValue)
oCMDInc.Parameters.Append oCMDInc.CreateParameter("@SearchValue", adVarChar, adParamInput, limit, theValue)
end if
end if
end sub
'Formats the str value to a javascript friendly unicode string/value
'Borrowed from
function toUnicode(str)
dim x
dim uStr
dim uChr
dim uChrCode
iLen = len(str)
uStr = ""
if not isnull(iLen) then
for x = 1 to iLen
uChr = mid(str,x,1)
uChrCode = asc(uChr)
if uChrCode = 8 then ' backspace
uChr = "\b"
elseif uChrCode = 9 then ' tab
uChr = "\t"
elseif uChrCode = 10 then ' line feed
uChr = "\n"
elseif uChrCode = 12 then ' formfeed
uChr = "\f"
elseif uChrCode = 13 then ' carriage return
uChr = "\r"
elseif uChrCode = 34 then ' quote
uChr = "\"""
elseif uChrCode = 39 then ' apostrophe
uChr = "&#39;" 'this should fix maaaany issues
elseif uChrCode = 92 then ' backslash
uChr = "\\"
elseif uChrCode < 32 or uChrCode > 127 then ' non-ascii characters
uChr = "\u" & right("0000" & CStr(uChrCode),4)
end if
uStr = uStr & uChr
end if
toUnicode = uStr
end function
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mdowlin commented Jul 8, 2014

What is the function "clearCmd"?

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Ah, that was another internal function with the SQL class we were using. It clears the command object so that another query can be made if necessary, otherwise it clears some memory in doing so.

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This looks really good. Have you got an implemented example?


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@londonpete1958 no public examples, unfortunately. I wrote this for/at my previous employer.

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zokanzi commented Oct 16, 2015

Nice codes. I looked for very long time but could not find it working one. And I applicated these codes to my pages, but it is not worked again. My problem is in this link. Thanks @ilikenwf

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Hi @ilikenwf !

you try to use classic asp with the new version of ?? because I cant use read the parameters in json format with the last version...
tnhks in advance!

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