(C) 2015 Matt Parnell [email protected], Digital Monitoring Products https://dmp.com/
Special thanks to @tylermauthe for helping me get things working properly!
Licensed under the GNU GPL v3
You must download jQPlot from http://jqplot.com/ - you'll need jqplot.min.js, jqplot.meterGaugeRenderer.min.js, and jqplot.min.css
Drop the widget files into their own subdirectory in the widgets directory for your dashboard. Then, copy the jqplot javascript files into the assets/javascript directory and the jqplot.min.css file into the assets/css directory.
Edit assets/javascripts/application.coffee and add jqplot and the meter renderer between the dashing.js requirement and the require_directory line:
#= require dashing.js
#= require jquery.jqplot.min.js
#= require jqplot.meterGaugeRenderer.min.js
#= require_directory .
#= require_tree ../../widgets
- value (int - the needle value)
- buckets (array of int "steps" for the ticks)
- colors (array of html hex codes for colors)
- reverse (bool - shall we reverse the color direction?)
- label (string)
- position (string)
<li data-row="1" data-col="1" data-sizex="2" data-sizey="1">
<div data-id="jqmeter" data-view="jqmeter" data-title="JQ Meter" style="background-color:#FF9900;padding:0 !important"></div>