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Illia illiafox

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illiafox /
Created September 2, 2024 06:36 — forked from gokart23/
Run ARM chroot on x86 machine (both ArchLinux)


  1. Install qemu-user-static (yay -S qemu-user-static).
    • This might need you to install pcre-static and update PGP keys (follow the tips in the comments here).
  2. If not already present, install systemd-binfmt, the revamped version of binfmt-support tools
    • Your system has to support transparent Qemu user emulation, but fortunately, that is mostly enabled once the steps here have been followed.
  3. Check the status of the systemd-binfmt unit (systemctl status systemd-binfmt) and (re)start if needed (sudo systemctl restart systemd-binfmt)
    • This unit has ARM support by default, but check the current documentation to make install it if needed
  4. Mount the root partition of the ARM system into a folder (for e.g., sudo mount /dev/sdb2 arm_mountpoint)
  5. Copy the QEMU ARM static binary (/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static on my distro) to the mounted root directory's usr/bin
illiafox /
Created May 14, 2023 10:21 — forked from andikahilmy/
Make Cloudflare-WARP work on RPM-based systems other than RHEL-based distro

Install notes

  • For OpenSUSE, install the RPM package from CLoudflare for CentOS using zypper. When asked, type 2.
  • For Fedora, not tested yet

How to enable after installing

Copy warp-svc.service file to /etc/systemd/system/, then enable in systemd using this command: