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Last active July 15, 2020 21:24
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Telegraf.js snippet for Telegram bot Node.js
const {Context} = require('telegraf');
class Aliases extends Context {
constructor(update, telegram, options) {
super(update, telegram, options);
this.t = telegram;
sendAction(...args) {
return super.replyWithChatAction(...args);
send(...args) {
return super.reply(...args);
sendDocument(...args) {
return super.replyWithDocument(...args);
editText(...args) {
return super.telegram.editMessageText(...args);
del(...args) {
return super.deleteMessage(...args);
module.exports = Aliases;
const {Telegraf} = require('telegraf');
const {BOT_TOKEN, BOT_USERNAME} = require('../config');
const {debug} = require('./');
const aliases = require('./aliases');
const bot = new Telegraf(BOT_TOKEN, {username: BOT_USERNAME, contextType: aliases});
// Bot info
bot.telegram.getMe().then((res) => debug(res));
module.exports = bot;
const {readdirSync, readFileSync} = require('fs');
const {Markup} = require('telegraf');
const {safeLoad} = require('js-yaml');
module.exports = (bot) => {
bot.command('lang', async (ctx) => {
await ctx.send(ctx.i18n.t('lang'), {
reply_markup: languageKeyboard(),
localesFiles().map((file) => file.split('.')[0]),
async (ctx) => {
let db = ctx.dbuser;
const lang =;
if (db.banned.state === false && lang !== db.lang) {
db.lang = lang;
const message = ctx.callbackQuery.message;
await ctx.editText(, message.message_id, undefined, ctx.i18n.t('lang_selected'), {
parse_mode: 'markdown',
function languageKeyboard() {
const locales = localesFiles();
//const result = [];
const inline_keyboard = [];
locales.forEach((locale, index) => {
const localeCode = locale.split('.')[0];
const localeName = safeLoad(readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../../locales/${locale}`, 'utf8')).name;
if (index % 2 == 0) {
if (index === 0) {
//result.push([Markup.callbackButton(localeName, localeCode)]);
text: localeName,
callback_data: localeCode,
} else {
//result[result.length - 1].push(Markup.callbackButton(localeName, localeCode));
inline_keyboard[inline_keyboard.length - 1].push({
text: localeName,
callback_data: localeCode,
} else {
//result[result.length - 1].push(Markup.callbackButton(localeName, localeCode));
inline_keyboard[inline_keyboard.length - 1].push({
text: localeName,
callback_data: localeCode,
if (index < locales.length - 1) {
//return Markup.inlineKeyboard(result);
return JSON.stringify({inline_keyboard});
function localesFiles() {
return readdirSync(`${__dirname}/../../locales`);
const { Extra, Markup } = require('telegraf');

// Validate number between 1-100
const isBetween100 = number => {
  let valid = false;
  if (typeof number === 'number') {
    if (1 <= number && number <= 100) {
      valid = true;
  return valid;

module.exports = bot => {
  bot.command('test', async (ctx, next) => {
  // /foo 123456789 opts="foo"
  bot.hears(/^(\/foo|\/bar|\/baz) (?:([0-9]+)|([0-9]+) ([\w\W]+\S))$/, async (ctx, next) => {
  // /foo|!foo|/bar|!bar foo bar quality="30"
  bot.hears(/^(\/foo|!foo|\/bar|!bar) (?:([.+\S]+)|([.+\S]+) ([\w\W]+\S))$/, async (ctx, next) => {

    const match = ctx.match;
    const ban = match[1] === '/foo' ? true : false;
    const unban = match[1] === '/bar' ? true : false;
    const info = match[1] === '/baz' ? true : false;

    const matchId = match[2] ? match[2] : match[3];

    const matchFoo = (match[4] && match[4].includes('foo')) || false;
    const matchBar = (match[4] && match[4].includes('bar')) || false;

    const matchOpts = match[4] && (match[4].includes('opts="') || match[4].includes("opts='")) ? true : false;
    const opts = matchOpts ? match[4].match(/opts=[\"|\'](.+?)[\"|\']/)[1] : '';

    const matchQuality = match[4] && (match[4].includes('quality="') || match[4].includes("quality='")) ? true : false;
    const qualityValue = matchQuality && match[4].match(/quality=[\"|\']([0-9]+)[\"|\']/);
    const qualityNumber = qualityValue && Number(qualityValue[1]);
    const qualityBetween = qualityNumber && isBetween100(qualityNumber);
    const quality = qualityBetween && qualityNumber;

    if ( === OWNER_ID) {
      const msg = ctx.i18n.t('test');

      /*const inline_keyboard = [
            text: '🚀 Go to GitHub',
            url: '',
            text: 'Telegraf',
            url: '',
            text: 'Google',
            url: '',
            text: 'Hello',
            callback_data: 'hello',
      //const reply_markup = JSON.stringify({inline_keyboard});

      await ctx.sendAction('typing');
      await ctx

            parse_mode: 'markdown',
            reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id,
            disable_web_page_preview: true, // false

                [Markup.urlButton('🚀 Go to GitHub', ''), Markup.urlButton('Telegraf', '')],
                [Markup.urlButton('Google', '')],
                [Markup.callbackButton('Hello', 'hello', Math.random() > 0.5)],
        .then(async res => {
          await sleep(8000);
          await ctx.del(res.message_id);
        .catch(err => debug(err, { error: true }));

      await ctx
        .send(msg, {
          parse_mode: 'html',
          reply_to_message_id: ctx.message.message_id,
          disable_web_page_preview: true,
        .catch(err => debug(err, { error: true }));
      await ctx.send(msg, Extra.HTML().inReplyTo(ctx.message.message_id).webPreview(false)).catch(err => debug(err, { error: true }));
      await ctx.send(msg, Extra.markdown().inReplyTo(ctx.message.message_id).webPreview(false)).then(async ({chat, message_id}) => {

      await ctx.editText(, message_id, undefined, msg), Extra.markdown()).then(async ({chat, message_id}) => {
      await ctx.sendAction('upload_document');
      await ctx.sendDocument({source: buffer, filename: 'foo.png'}, {caption: 'Foo', reply_to_message_id: message_id, parse_mode: 'Markdown'});
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