- Redis
In-memory db with notifications, may be used alongside other DB. - Meteor
- MongoDB | Livequery | server DDP | DDP client | minimongo
- Livequery for DB updates subscriptions (MongoDB)
- Minimongo is MongoDB imitation, used for latency compenstion.
- Opinionated, heavy, not very modular.
- ShareDB
- Backed by MongoDB or in-mem, based on Operational Transformations
- Was used in Derby (dead?)
- Hoodie
Use CoachDB for data sync. Not flexible. - Telepat
Architecture, uses Redis. - RethinkDB
Subscribe to DB updates without additional layer of complexity.
- Firebase by Google
What is the best way to get live updates from DB?
- Delta-based (more low-level and data related, CRUD) over Event-based sync (more abstract).
- Related topics: operational transformation (OT), differential synchronization, etc.