- Always spaces, never tabs
- 2 spaces indents
- No trailing whitespace at end-of-line
function getSum(arr){
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
sum += arr[i];
return sum;
- Always end statements with ;
// Right
console.log('even when not required');
// Wrong
console.log('even when not required')
- Give descriptive names
- Do not use similar names or synonyms for different variables unless following a convention
- for iterators should use single character names
- Use combination of plural for array and singular for each item in the array
- Use camelCase, never underscores
- Avoid using numbered variables (e.g. i1, i2, i3)
- All scopes must be wrapped in {}
// Right
if (condition) {
// Wrong
if (condition) return;
if (condition)
- Define self for passing this into nested functions
Example.prototype.method = function () {
var self = this;
call(123, function (err) {
- Always ' never " in JavaScript
// Right
var string = 'text in single quotes';
// Wrong
var string = "text in single quotes";
- Use " in HTML:
<div class="my-class"></div>
- Combine ' and " in JavaScript with HTML templates correctly:
var html = '<div class="my-class">{{myValue}}</div>';
- Newline after { except for inlined or empty objects
// Right
if (condition) {
execute(value, { strict: true });
if (condition) {
var options = {
strict: true
execute(value, options);
var empty = {};
// Wrong
if (condition) { execute(value, { strict: true }); }
if (condition) {
var options = { strict: true };
execute(value, options);
var empty = {
- No empty line before end of scope
// Right
if (condition) {
if (otherCondition) {
// Wrong
if (condition) {
if (otherCondition) {
Use one and only one space (when required)
// Right
var value = calculate(1, 3);
// Wrong
var value = calculate(1, 3);
- No space between function name and ( when invoking a function
// Right
var key = example();
// Wrong
var key = example ();
- No space after ( or before )
// Right
execute('order', 34);
if (result === 'ok') {
// Wrong
execute( 'order', 34 );
if ( result === 'ok' ) {
console.log( 'success' );
- No space before object key :, always after object key :
// Right
var obj = {
a: 1,
b: 2,
c: 3
// Wrong
var obj = {
a : 1,
b :2,
- Always space after reserved keywords (if, else, for, return, function, etc.)
// Right
for (var book in books) {
if (books.hasOwnProperty(book)) {
// Wrong
for(var book in books) {
if(books.hasOwnProperty(book)) {
- No space after [ and before ] in inlined arrays
// Right
var numbers = [1, 2, 3];
// Wrong
var numbers = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
- Always space before and after operators, unless following an indent or end-of-line
// Right
var a = 1 + 3;
var b = 'john' +
' ' +
// Wrong
var a=1+3;
var b='john'+
' '+
- Never begin a line with , (always at the end of the previous line)
// Right
execute('some error message',
// Wrong
execute('some error message'
- Statements should only be broken into multiple lines to improve readability
- Break statements if they are longer than 150 characters long
- No empty lines in the middle of a single statement
- Indent multi-line statements
- Conditions should be indented to the first character of the condition in the first line
if (result &&
result.status &&
result.status.statusCode === 200) {
- Variable should be indented to the first character of the value in the first line
var message = 'hello' +
' and welcome';