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About this gist

This is related to the GAUDC project, which you can access here. Feel free to tell the creator a hello and about this, because I want to make this the dev branch and add the ENTIRE code there with his permission. If he allows, this script will become OFFICIAL for the project.

If you encounter any kind of glitches, feel free to open an issue here and templates are coming soon.

Feel free to chat in the Gitter community I made too! And this might just 💥 in the news one day too.

Yeah, and the code got revamped!

echo "Hi. I am your GAUDC program installation automator." && echo "This code is open-source as a GitHub Gist, and I am LG, the maker of this script." && echo Feel free to comment on any issues. # --> Beginning Message
echo "Now, make sure you installed Git and NodeJS because you need to clone and build GAUDC. I will make a temporary directory and give you the path at the end." # --> Next message
echo "Have you installed Git and NodeJS? Because, the script needs it."
echo "If you have it, respond with 'yes' as it is. If not, respond with 'no' as it is."
read gitnodejs
if [ "$gitnodejs" = "no" ]; then
echo "Well, do you wanna install it? Respond with 'yes' or 'no'"
read nodeinstall
if [ "$nodeinstall" = "yes" ]; then
echo "This needs sudo perms, YOU allow it."
sudo apt install git curl software-properties-common
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
echo "Now that NodeJS is installed, let's just go check the version."
node --version
echo "If it came properly, type yes. If it showed an error, click no."
read nodeinstallsuccess
if [ "$nodeinstallsuccess" = "yes" ]; then
echo "Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"
echo now, I am gonna make a tmp folder named gaudc # --> alert message sort
cd && mkdir GAUDC && cd GAUDC # --> making the folder and `cd`ing to the folder
echo Now, I will clone and install the files. # -->another alert message
git clone && cd Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client # --> cloning and `cd`ing
echo Now, I will install and build the GAUDC files # -->next alert
npm install && npm run dist # --> installs and builds
echo Your GAUDC is built. Now, you can go to your $HOME directory, and afterwards, into GAUDC and finally, Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client directory, move to your `dist` directory, and, check the folders because I am a Linux noob. && echo Path to GAUDC: && pwd # --> End Message
if [ "$nodeinstallsuccess" = "no" ]; then
echo "Try visiting the code and reinstall NodeJS the same way I did or got to NodeJS' official website, install it and try again."
echo "Ending..."
if [ "$gitnodejs" = "yes" ]; then
echo "Well, let's just go ahead."
echo now, I am gonna make a tmp folder named gaudc # --> alert message sort
cd && mkdir GAUDC && cd GAUDC # --> making the folder and `cd`ing to the folder
echo Now, I will clone and install the files. # -->another alert message
git clone && cd Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client # --> cloning and `cd`ing
echo Now, I will install and build the GAUDC files # -->next alert
npm install && npm run dist # --> installs and builds
echo Your GAUDC is built. Now, you can go to your $HOME directory, and afterwards, into GAUDC and finally, Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client directory, move to your `dist` directory, and, check the folders because I am a Linux noob. && echo Path to GAUDC: && pwd # --> End Message
### Old code
# echo now, I am gonna make a tmp folder named gaudc # --> alert message sort
# cd && mkdir GAUDC && cd GAUDC # --> making the folder and `cd`ing to the folder
# echo Now, I will clone and install the files. # -->another alert message
# git clone && cd Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client # --> cloning and `cd`ing
# echo Now, I will install and build the GAUDC files # -->next alert
# npm install && npm run dist # --> installs and builds
# echo Your GAUDC is built. Now, you can go to your $HOME directory, and afterwards, into GAUDC and finally, Google-Assistant-Unofficial-Desktop-Client directory, move to your `dist` directory, and, check the folders because I am a Linux noob. && echo Path to GAUDC: && pwd # --> End Message
fi # ???
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Me, a Linux noob made this? I learnt it.

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@coder-lg It works 😊

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im-coder-lg commented Jul 31, 2021

@sumeshir26 Can you show the output? Can't believe myself that I made something successful on ONE go😮😮😮

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And try running it again. I removed !, fors and thens, since they might cause errors.

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@sumeshir26 can you show the output while running the latest version? just curious 🤔

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And also, show the GAUDC file structure except the src folder, you can leave that out. Just show the ./dist folder structure, please? I need to enter it here for the navigation, that's why.

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ping @sumeshir26 i need your help to check if this works SUCCESSFULLY.

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Sorry, am busy with school, will send screenshots soon

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Thanks for helping though 😀

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Don't worry, take your time.

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Doesn't Work:(

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Try the latest revision. Made some fixes

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Doesn't Work:(

And, by the way, referring the image you put above, I can not believe myself that @ECHO OFF, which works on batch files doesn't work in shell scripts.

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@sumeshir26 from now, use the new special-projects repository, this will be like a Dev Channel

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/ping @coder-lg

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not that, the dist folder. I could help in the navigation,that's why.

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You have to show the built dist folder. Are you using WSL?

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@coder-lg yes

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I will test there and share the result here. Thanks for all your help @sumeshir26! From now, use the new special-projects repo I made to check for bugs or tell me there!

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And, by the way, what distro are you using for WSL?

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im-coder-lg commented Aug 4, 2021 via email

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I need some help. I need someone with a real Linux distro. Best suggestion: Debian or Ubuntu. If you have it, create a new issue and ping me on Gitter.

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