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Created April 28, 2015 11:27
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Bash non-api context translation with Google Translate
# Author: Shara
# Screenshot:
# Install:
# 1. Put to "/usr/local/sbin/translate"
# 2. Set "chmod +x translate"
# 3. Set hotkey with command "translate %LANG%" where %LANG% is result language
# Example:
# "translate en" to translate selected text to english
# "translate ru" to translate selected text to russian
# Set User-Agent string for request
USERAGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/36.0"
# Get selected text
SOURCETEXT=$(xsel -o)
# Get translation for selected text
TRANSLATION="$(wget -U "$USERAGENT" -qO - "${SOURCETEXT}&tl=$1" | sed 's/\[\[\[\"//' | cut -d \" -f 1)"
# Put translation to clipboard
echo -n "$TRANSLATION" | xclip -filter -selection clipboard
# Show notify with source and translated text
notify-send -t 2500 "$SOURCETEXT" "$TRANSLATION"
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imShara commented Apr 28, 2015

Bash non-api context translation with Google Translate screenshot

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