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Last active April 16, 2019 10:39
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public function actionProcess()
$customer = Yii::$app->user->identity;
$address = Yii::$app->session->get('address');
$apiContext = Yii::$app->paypal->_apiContext;
// set shipping address details
$shipping_address = new ShippingAddress();
// set payerinfo details
$payerinfo = new PayerInfo();
// set payer details
$payer = new Payer();
$items = [];
$order = Yii::$app->session->get('orders_temp');
$orders_temp = OrdersTemp::find()->where(['order_id' => $order->order_id])->one();
OrderProductsTemp::updateAll(['status_id' => Constant::PAYMENT_ATTEMPTED], 'order_id =' . $orders_temp->order_id);
$total = 0;
foreach ($orders_temp->getOrderProductsTemp()->all() as $opt) {
$total += $opt->unit_price * $opt->quantity;
$item = new Item();
$items[] = $item;
// set item list details
$itemList = new ItemList();
// Lets you specify a payment amount.
// You can also specify additional details
// such as shipping, tax.
$amount = new Amount();
// A transaction defines the contract of a
// payment - what is the payment for and who
// is fulfilling it.
$transaction = new \PayPal\Api\Transaction();
->setDescription('Product Lists')
// Set the urls that the buyer must be redirected to after
// payment approval/ cancellation.
$redirectUrls = new RedirectUrls();
$redirectUrls->setReturnUrl(Url::to(['/payment/paypal/confirm'], true));
$redirectUrls->setCancelUrl(Url::to(['/payment/paypal/cancel'], true));
// A Payment Resource; create one using
// the above types and intent set to 'sale'
$payment = new Payment();
if (Yii::$app->paypal->config['mode'] == 'sandbox') {
} else {
// For Sample Purposes Only.
$request = clone $payment;
// Create a payment by calling the 'create' method
// passing it a valid apiContext.
// The return object contains the state and the
// url to which the buyer must be redirected to
// for payment approval
try {
$approvalLink = $payment->getApprovalLink();
$approvalUrl = $approvalLink . '&locale.x=en_IN&country.x=IN';
return $this->redirect($approvalUrl);
} catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
Yii::debug($ex->getMessage(), 'tranx');
Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', $ex->getMessage());
if ($ex->getData() == 'INSTRUMENT_DECLINED') {
return $this->redirect($approvalUrl);
} catch (\Exception $ex) {
Yii::debug($ex->getMessage(), 'tranx');
Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', $ex->getMessage());
return $this->redirect(['/payment/fail']);
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