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Last active March 10, 2025 10:05
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Using pydantic models as SQLAlchemy JSON fields (convert beween JSON and pydantic.BaseModel subclasses)
#!/usr/bin/env ipython -i
import datetime
import json
from typing import Optional
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import JSONB
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, parse_obj_as
from pydantic.json import pydantic_encoder
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define pydantic-alchemy specific types (once per application)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class PydanticType(sa.types.TypeDecorator):
"""Pydantic type.
- Uses SQLAlchemy JSON type under the hood.
- Acceps the pydantic model and converts it to a dict on save.
- SQLAlchemy engine JSON-encodes the dict to a string.
- Pulls the string from the database.
- SQLAlchemy engine JSON-decodes the string to a dict.
- Uses the dict to create a pydantic model.
# If you work with PostgreSQL, you can consider using
# sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.JSONB instead of a
# generic sa.types.JSON
# Ref:
impl = sa.types.JSON
def __init__(self, pydantic_type):
self.pydantic_type = pydantic_type
def load_dialect_impl(self, dialect):
# Use JSONB for PostgreSQL and JSON for other databases.
if == "postgresql":
return dialect.type_descriptor(JSONB())
return dialect.type_descriptor(sa.JSON())
def process_bind_param(self, value, dialect):
return value.dict() if value else None
# If you use FasAPI, you can replace the line above with their jsonable_encoder().
# E.g.,
# from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
# return jsonable_encoder(value) if value else None
def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
return parse_obj_as(self.pydantic_type, value) if value else None
def json_serializer(*args, **kwargs) -> str:
return json.dumps(*args, default=pydantic_encoder, **kwargs)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configure SQLAlchemy engine, session and declarative base (once per application)
# The key is to define json_serializer while creating the engine.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///:memory:", json_serializer=json_serializer)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine, expire_on_commit=False, future=True)
Base = declarative_base()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Define your Pydantic and SQLAlchemy models (as many as needed)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class UserSettings(BaseModel):
notify_at: datetime.datetime = Field(
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "users"
id: int = sa.Column(sa.Integer, primary_key=True)
name: str = sa.Column(sa.String, doc="User name", comment="User name")
settings: Optional[UserSettings] = sa.Column(PydanticType(UserSettings), nullable=True)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create tables (once per application)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Usage example (we use 2.0 querying style with selects)
# Ref:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
session = Session()
user = User(name="user", settings=UserSettings())
same_user = session.execute(
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is it compatible with Alembic autogeneration of schema?

for me, alembic generated

sa.Column('data',, nullable=True)

without the UserSettings stuff

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You're right. It's not going to work out of the box with Alembic. For myself, I modify the migration script manually after creating it.

As you asked this question, I decided to see if there's a better solution and came up with the following snippet. Here I replace pydantic types with native SQLAlchemy JSON.

# file:

def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context):
    """Apply custom rendering for PydanticType."""
    if type_ == "type" and isinstance(obj, PydanticType):
        return "sa.JSON()"
    return False


This will generate

    sa.Column('settings', sa.JSON(), nullable=True),

Ref: Affecting the Rendering of Types Themselves from the Alembic documentation.

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I've made a Python package SQLAlchemy-Nested-Mutable with inspiration from this work.

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@wonderbeyond, wow, this looks great! Thanks.

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Filimoa commented Jan 26, 2024

To avoid a deprecation warning as of Pydantic 2.5 you will need to use the following

def process_result_value(self, value, dialect):
    return self.pydantic_type(**value) if value else None

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got a problem

if I doselect(table.c.settings['a']), it still try to parse the a value as the whole pydantic model :(

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a1d4r commented Jun 21, 2024

Is it possible for SQLAlchemy to detect changes in PydanticType field? When I change the field of the pydantic model, I have to manually call function flag_modified to make SQLAlchemy flush the change.

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Seluj78 commented Mar 3, 2025

@a1d4r I have the same problem on my end. Did you end up finding a solution ?

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a1d4r commented Mar 3, 2025

@a1d4r I have the same problem on my end. Did you end up finding a solution ?

Nope, I call flag_modified every time I change the model. For example:

from datetime import UTC, datetime
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified

user.settings.notify_at =
flag_modified(user.settings, "notify_at")

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Seluj78 commented Mar 3, 2025

@a1d4r Alright, thank you for the quick response. I am working on something that might automate this if I am able to make it so. I want to avoid to do what you did

By the way, what implementation did you use for the PydanticJSONB ?

I did this:

class PydanticJSONB(TypeDecorator):
    impl = JSONB

    def __init__(self, model_type: Any, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.model_type = model_type
        self._type = get_origin(model_type)
        if self._type is list:
            self._item_type = get_args(model_type)[0]
        elif self._type is dict:
            self._item_type = get_args(model_type)[1]
            self._item_type = model_type
        self._adapter = TypeAdapter(self.model_type)

    def process_bind_param(self, value: Any, dialect: Any) -> Any:
        if value is None:
            return None

        if self._type is list:
            if not isinstance(value, list):
                raise TypeError(f"Expected list of {self._item_type}")
            return [item.model_dump() if isinstance(item, self._item_type) else item for item in value]
        elif self._type is dict:
            if not isinstance(value, dict):
                raise TypeError(f"Expected dict of {self._item_type}")
            return {k: item.model_dump() if isinstance(item, self._item_type) else item for k, item in value.items()}
            if isinstance(value, self.model_type):
                return value.model_dump()
            return value

    def process_result_value(self, value: Any, dialect: Any) -> Any:
        if value is not None:
            return self._adapter.validate_python(value)
        if self._type is list:
            return []
        elif self._type is dict:
            return {}
            return None

Might release this and more stuff in some kind of sqlmodel-utils package on pypi one day (Because I use SQLModel, but it works with sqlalchemy as well)

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a1d4r commented Mar 3, 2025

@Seluj78 Here is my implementation:

Basically, the same as the original one, but with typing.


data: Mapped[ReportData] = mapped_column(PydanticType(ReportData))

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Seluj78 commented Mar 3, 2025

@a1d4r I DID IT !

Here's the code. More changes might be needed to support more complex types (Like List[PydanticModel] or Dict[str, MyModel] are untested right now).

But it works ! It flags correctly the pydanticjsonb columns as changed !!

import pydantic
from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy import inspect
from sqlalchemy.orm import ColumnProperty
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified

# Where `PydanticJSONB` is my implementation, see previous comments

def flag_pydantic_changes(target):
    inspector = inspect(target)
    mapper = inspector.mapper

    for attr in inspector.attrs:
        key = attr.key
        prop = mapper.attrs.get(key)

        # Skip non-ColumnProperty attributes
        if not isinstance(prop, ColumnProperty):

        # Check if any column in this property is PydanticJSONB
        is_pydantic_jsonb = any(
            isinstance(col.type, PydanticJSONB)
            for col in prop.columns

        if is_pydantic_jsonb:
            hist = attr.history
            original_dict = hist.unchanged[0] if hist.unchanged else None
            if issubclass(attr.value.__class__, pydantic.BaseModel):
                current_dict = attr.value.model_dump()
                current_dict = attr.value

            if original_dict != current_dict:
                flag_modified(target, key)

@event.listens_for(_BaseModel, "before_update")
def auto_flag_modified(mapper, connection, target):

    # Add your models here

for model in MODELS:
    event.listen(model, "before_update", auto_flag_modified)

I'm quite happy and I will keep working on this and I will probably end up publishing this to github at some point.

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a1d4r commented Mar 3, 2025

@Seluj78 Awesome work! I will check it later. By the way, feel free to contact me if you need any help.

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