Three or more hashtags.
Long hashtags (15+ characters): #hashtagpunchline
#[^ ]{15}
CamelCase hashtags (3+ Words): #NotSelfAware
#[^a-z ]+[^A-Z ]+[^a-z ]+[^A-Z ]+[^a-z ]+[^ ]*
Unforgivable word shortening: I'm near ur place r u busy?
Mass conversations (4+ Mentions): @guy @dude @otherguy @man totally.
Retweet chains (2+ RTs): OMG RT @teengirlsquad RT @beebz I'm thinking of you.
Mentions with only a URL (spam): @imathis
^@imathis *https?://[^ ]+$
Hello, I forked this gist and made the regexps easier to read. Some of my changes cause slightly different behavior, though, although some still match the exact same set of tweets.