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Created March 9, 2012 00:03
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Save imbcmdth/2004247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Better "AppDev University - Full Stack Web Development"
var asymHumanoidBodyParts = [["head", 3],
["left-eye", 1],
["left-ear", 1],
["mouth", 1],
["nose", 1],
["neck", 2],
["left-shoulder", 3],
["left-upper-arm", 3],
["chest", 10],
["back", 10],
["left-forearm", 3],
["abdomen", 6],
["left-kidney", 1],
["left-hand", 2],
["left-knee", 2],
["left-thigh", 4],
["left-lower-leg", 3],
["left-achilles", 1],
["left-foot", 2]];
// Scale integer weights in order to have a cumulative weight of 1
var normalizeBodyParts = function(bodyParts, sum) {
var len = bodyParts.length;
while(len--) bodyParts[len][1] /= sum;
return bodyParts;
// This is used to return a nested array of symmetrical body parts.
// For example, if the source array of body parts contains
// ["left-elbow", 2]
// then the array returned by this function will also include
// ["right-elbow", 2]
// This allows us to reduce replication, as a left elbow is just as
// likely to be hit as a right elbow.
var symmetrizeBodyParts = function(bodyParts) {
var finalParts = [];
var part;
var sum = 0;
while(bodyParts.length) {
part = bodyParts.pop();
if (part[0].indexOf("left") > -1) {
sum += part[1];
finalParts.push([part[0].replace("left", "right"), part[1]]);
sum += part[1];
return normalizeBodyParts(finalParts, sum);
// The logic of the targeting system is as follows:
// 1. Pick a random number between 0 and the 1 - the +target+
// 2. Iterate through the list of body parts, decrementing +target+
// by the weight of the body part.
// 3. When the +target+ is less than +weight+, then the
// corresponding body part has been hit.
// 4. Return that body part.
var attack = function(bodyParts) {
var target = Math.random();
var len = bodyParts.length;
while(--len && target > bodyParts[len][1]) target -= bodyParts[len][1];
return bodyParts[len];
// finalParts is captured by the closure passed along to onclick so
// that we don't have to generate the array anew each time the button
// is clicked.
// This is merely to set up the event handlers on the dom objects and
// create the complete parts array from the asymetric parts array.
var setup = function() {
var finalParts = symmetrizeBodyParts(asymHumanoidBodyParts);
document.getElementById("initiate-attack").onclick = function() {
var partHit = attack(finalParts)[0].replace(/-/g, " ")
document.getElementById("attack-message").innerHTML += "You hit the giant's " + partHit + "!<br>";
// Assign the setup function to the onload event handler. Notice that
// we're not using the parentheses; we're assigning the function
// object, not the result of a call to the function.
window.onload = setup;
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