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Bhupendra imbhupendra41

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birchestx / magento2_install
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Installing Magento2 - The quick way
So we all hate reading docs. Here is the quick setup for installing Magento2. If you want the long route -
I'm assuming you have composer, PHP 5.4+ and MySQL5.6+. If you have MAMP installed time to go sort that as it wont work (MAMP is on MySQL5.5.x).
1. Install Composer - curl -sS | php
2. mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer (might need to sudo)
3. Goto base httpdocs directory
4. git clone [email protected]:magento/magento2.git
5. Set permissions (like you do in Magento 1.x)
6. cd magento2